

Primary Research Interests and Methods

Public Economics: social security, optimal taxation, political economy.

Behavioral Economic Theory: life-cycle consumption/saving/labor supply, retirement choice, time inconsistency.

Methods: optimal control theory, dynamic general-equilibrium modeling, calibration.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dynamic Consistency and Regret. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2020), 173(1), 342-364. Working Paper (SSRN)

Myopia, Education, and Social Security. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. International Tax and Public Finance (2020), 27(3), 694-720. Working Paper (SSRN)

Commitment and Welfare. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2019), 159(1), 210-234. Working Paper (SSRN)

Hyperbolic Memory Discounting and the Political Business Cycle. T. Scott Findley. European Journal of Political Economy (2015), 40(1B), 345-359. Working Paper (SSRN)

Time Inconsistency and Retirement Choice. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. Economics Letters (2015), 129(1), 4-8. Working Paper (SSRN) Working Paper (CESifo)

Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting and Delayed Retirement. James A. Feigenbaum and T. Scott Findley. Theoretical Economics Letters (2015), 5(2), 325-331. Working Paper (SSRN)

Hedonic Valuation of Land Protection Methods: Implications for Cluster Development. Robert W. Kling, T. Scott Findley, Emin Gahramanov, and David Theobald. Journal of Economics and Finance (2015), 39(4), 782-806. Working Paper (SSRN)

Discount Functions and Self-Control Problems. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. Economics Letters (2014), 122(3), 416-419. Working Paper (SSRN)

Using MS Excel to Solve and Simulate the LCPI Model of Consumption and Saving. T. Scott Findley. International Review of Economics Education (2014), 16(B), 129-143. Working Paper (SSRN) MS Excel File

Interacting Mechanisms of Time Inconsistency. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. Journal of Economic Psychology (2014), 41(1), 68-76. Working Paper (SSRN)

Time Inconsistency and Retirement Planning. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. Economics Letters (2013), 121(1), 30-34. Working Paper (SSRN)

Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting and the Existence of Time-Inconsistent Retirement. T. Scott Findley and James A. Feigenbaum. Theoretical Economics Letters (2013), 3(2), 119-123. Working Paper (SSRN)

Limited Computational Ability and Social Security. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley. International Tax and Public Finance (2013), 20(3), 414-433. Abstract (SSRN)

Does It Pay To Be SMarT? T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2010), 9(3), 321-344. Abstract (SSRN)

Short Horizons, Time Inconsistency, and Optimal Social Security. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. International Tax and Public Finance (2009), 16(4), 487-513. Abstract (SSRN)

The Behavioral Justification for Public Pensions: A Survey. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. Journal of Economics and Finance (2008), 32(4), 409-425. Abstract (SSRN)

OutSMarTing the Social Security Crisis. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo. Public Finance Review (2007), 35(6), 647-668. Abstract (SSRN)

Working Papers

Impulsivity and Social Security. T. Scott Findley.

Is Overconfidence a Macroeconomic Asset or Liability? T. Scott Findley and Shantanu Bagchi.

Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Savings Policies. T. Scott Findley and Frank N. Caliendo.

Time Inconsistency and Labor Supply. Frank N. Caliendo and T. Scott Findley.

The Save More Tomorrow Program and the Household Balance Sheet: A Theoretical Investigation T. Scott Findley and Erin Cottle Hunt.

Short Planning Horizons and the Save More Tomorrow Program. Erin Cottle Hunt and T. Scott Findley.

Reforming Estate Taxation by Reversing the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax. James Feigenbaum, T. Scott Findley, and Sepideh Raei.

Information from Pension Statements and Retirement Savings Outcomes. Najat El Mekkaoui, Bérangère Legendre, and T. Scott Findley.

Ongoing Research Projects

OutSMarTing in General Equilibrium.

Short Planning Horizons and Optimal Social Security with Leisure Choice.

Social Security, Time-Inconsistent Preferences, and Welfare across Alternative Demographic Regimes (with Timothy F. Harris).

Shortsightedness and the Financing of Unfunded Social Security Programs (with Michael P. Clagg).

Does Shortsightedness Contribute to a Lower Personal Saving Rate? (with Frank N. Caliendo).

Research Awards and Honors

The 2015 Researcher of the Year Award. Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University.

The 2008 IIPF Young Economists Award. Awarded at The 64th World Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance in Maastricht, Netherlands. Award Photos

The 2008 Scott M. Elliot Undergraduate Research Advisor Award. Department of Economics, Illinois State University.

The 2006-2007 Outstanding Graduate Research Award in Economics. Colorado State University.

Publicity and Media

Publicity in Research Matters, a publication by The Office of Vice President for Research at Utah State University. Full Publication

Brief summary of some research in a Deseret News Article by Kerk Phillips.

