Radial Engine

As part of a class at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, I created a

nine-cylinder Clerget radial engine.

I then entered the design into the Siemens Student Design Contest. For full contest details, click here. To view my official entry, see Siemens Contest Entry.

The engine design was based on plans for a Clerget engine, the engine used in World War I era airplanes like the Sopwith Camel.

The engine consists of thirty-five unique parts that once assembled into the complete engine totals two hundred and ninety-three parts. The engine also animates the motion of the pistons, valves, connecting rods, and cam shaft. In total the animation moves ninety-seven parts with one driven motor placed on the crankshaft.

I enjoyed working on this project since I had the opportunity to learn more about the inner-workings of the Clerget engine as well as learn to utilize the Solid Edge assembly environment.

The engine contains all of the Clerget engine's major components: pistons, connecting rods, rocker arms, valves, camshaft, and crankshaft.

This image shows the intake induction tube and valve seats along with the engine's inner components.

Cut Complete Engine Assembly.wmv
30 Second Complete Engine Assembly.wmv
Salverson_RadialEngine_motors CUATAWAY.wmv

Here are a few animations of the engine running. The videos show the piston and camshaft motion as well as the valves opening and closing.


2017 February winner!