Merit Badge Counselors

As a Merit Badge Counselor, your mission is to join fun with learning. You are both a teacher and mentor to the Scout, as he works on a merit badge and learns by doing. By presenting opportunities for growth via engaging activities like designing a Web page (Computers), performing an ollie and a wheelie (Snowboarding), or fabricating rope (Pioneering), you can pique a young man's interest in the merit badge subject. Your hands-on involvement can inspire a Scout to develop a lifelong hobby, pursue a particular career, and become an independent, self-supporting adult.

For a List of Merit Badges, go to BSA Introduction to Merit Badges.

If you are interested in becoming a counselor, please visit this Guide for Merit Badge Counselors for more information.

Please contact Asst. Scoutmaster Michael O'Banyel to set a date for one of the Training Courses, which can be found at HERE.