Merit Badge

Written by Jeff Mengler

When Scouts are working on any Merit Badge, they are strongly encouraged to buy or borrow the Merit Badge book for that badge. It is not adequate to just download the requirements from the Internet -- the book contains a great deal of information that a Merit Badge Counselor will expect you to be familiar with.

You should obtain a Blue Card from the Scoutmaster prior to beginning work on the Merit Badge, but you should have already identified what counselor you are going to work with when you request the Blue Card.

Troop 46 maintains a Troop library which contains Merit Badge books that anyone from our Troop can borrow by checking with the Troop Libarian. The Troop Committee recently authorized purchasing 2 copies of all 19 Eagle Merit Badge books, since many of our books were out of date.

If you have purchased a Merit Badge book, the Troop will buy them from you for the Troop Library when you are finished, if you desire (and assuming the book is in good condition).

Great Merit Badge Resource - Merit