Triennial Strategic Plan (TSP)

Each TRB committee critically evaluates itself with a written report completed every three years. The TSP process is designed to help the Chair and members to set a course for the next three to seven years, identify successes and areas where the committee can make improvements, and the steps to make those improvements. In addition, the process provides the Group and/or Section Chair with an overview of the health, relevancy, and issues facing the committees within the Group/Section. The TSP process also provides an opportunity to review committee scopes in light of emerging issues, highlights cross-cutting topics (topics that fall within the scope or interest of more than one committee), and identifies opportunities that committees can consider. TSPs are an opportunity to record a committee’s accomplishments while charting its course for the future, assuring that valuable TRB volunteer time is being used in the best way possible.

Click here to view more information about the TSP and samples, or copy and paste the following into your browser:


2013 Report Ratings