
Exploring East Java

Destination asia, Visit east java, Tour java island, Destination java, Visit java island, Land tour java

Java is an island belongs to Indonesian Republic. With a population over 135 million is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely-populated places on the globe, is the home of 60 percent of the Indonesian population. The Indonesian capital city is Jakarta located on the western Java. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten and also other two special regions, Jakarta & Yogyakarta.

Mount Bromo
The Mount Bromo - Click on image to read the details...
Kalibaru Village - Click on Image to read the details...
Kawah Ijen
The Kawah Ijen - Click on image to read the details...
Meru Betiri National Park
The Meru betiri National Park - Click on Image to read the details...

The waterfall of Madakaripura near the Mount Bromo

We went to the National Park of Meru Betiri