"...speaking the truth in love, [we] may grow up in all things into him who is the head-Christ" (Ephesians 4:15)

Welcome to Touchstone Community Ministries (TCM), where Jesus is the chief cornerstone. We exist to show people how to put their lives in God's hands.

The goal of TCM is to rebuild Richmond and beyond one soul at a time. We seek to develop and equip believers in Jesus Christ to know His love, to grow in His Grace and go make disciples.


Go Forward International TV Broadcast (G.F.I.B) Spreading the good news of faith in Jesus Christ and the power of God to live as an overcomer on the Word Network


Ministry Leaders Need Support Too (MLNST) If you are a pastor, minister, or church leader who is struggling right now with ministry concerns, moral compromise or failure, mental health issues, COVID-related issues like grief, feelings of loss, struggling to get people to come back to church, trying to figure out how to pivot while remaining true to who you are. I'm a trained, licensed counselor (LCSW), working towards PhD in counseling, and a licensed, ordained minister with over thirty years in ministry as pastor of two churches, a church plant, and a counseling ministry in hard contexts like New Orleans. If this is you or someone you know, reach out to me.


Car Purchase and Repair (C.P.R.) provides no-cost vehicle repairs for existing cars and low to no-cost vehicle purchase for low-income families and individuals. Must have or be able to obtain a driver's license and car insurance for eligibility

Christie’s Testimony

We met Christie during one of our evangelistic outreaches this summer. She was heading down the street after getting off of a bus with her then 4 week old son. We shared Jesus with her and she said she was already a believer but out of fellowship with no church family here in New Orleans. She had recently moved to the area from Atlanta seeking to escape her past of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution and criminal behavior. The child she had with her is her fifth and the other four are in other people's care due to her lifestyle. We provided her with our contact information and prayed with her for God's divine deliverance and favor. About three weeks later she called and asked how she could get connected with our ministry. She immediately began attending our bible studies, outreaches and our local church with us. She has been growing in wisdom, stature and favor with God and other people ever since.

As we know, we can change now but our past still can haunt us. Galatians 6 tells us we reap what we sow. Christie had to go back to Atlanta to face her criminal charges of felony theft and prostitution in October and was able to testify on her own behalf stating she had connected with TouchStone Community Ministries in New Orleans and has been able to get her life turned around by God's grace. Based on her testimony and supporting documentation of participating in our Training Offenders to Overcome Re-entry Challenges (T.O.R.C.H.) program and attending college, the judge let her go with the only stipulation that she keep the court informed of her progress. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Here we are several months later and Christie is still with us as she is being discipled by our ministry team. She is doing a wonderful job caring for her son, Matthias, (which by the way we get to babysit regularly :)), working part-time at Wal-mart in conjunction with our Project Invest Program (PIP), attending school at Delgado Community College, participating in our Mountain Movers Addiction Program (MAP) and staying in fellowship with our ministry family. What a wonderful testimony of God's grace and favor!