

The Relationship between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Interaction with Ostracized Others' Retaliation (PLoS ONE)


Tryptophan Promotes Interpersonal Trust (Psychological Science)


The world can look better: enhancing beauty experience with brain stimulation (SCAN)


Right Supramarginal Gyrus Is Crucial to Overcome Emotional Egocentricity Bias in Social Judgments (The Journal of Neuroscience)

※自分の情動状態を相手の情動状態の推測に利用するEmotional egocentric biasが成人で生じ,TMSで右Supramargical gyrusを刺激するとbiasが増大する.

Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind (Science)

Test–retest reliability of fMRI-based graph theoretical properties during working memory, emotion processing, and resting state (NeuroImage)

Giving peace a chance: Oxytocin increases empathy to pain in the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict (Psychoneuroendocrinology)



Oxytocin Receptor Genotype Modulates Ventral Striatal Activity to Social Cues and Response to Stressful Life Events (Biological Psychiatry)

※OXTRのrisk alleleと問題行動の関連にVSが媒介している可能性,さらに問題行動とLife Stressの関連がOXTR多型により異なる.


Infant cortex responds to other humans from shortly after birth (Scientific Reports)

MDMA enhances emotional empathy and prosocial behavior (SCAN)

※MDMAを投与すると,男性で情動的共感及び向社会的行動が増大.女性では,negative表情の認識が低下.またMDMAの投与で血漿中のoxytocin, coltisol, ploractinの濃度が上昇.

Empathic reactions of younger and older adults: No age related decline in affective responding (JESP)


Dangerous work (Nature News)


Testosterone Inhibits Trust but Promotes Reciprocity (Psychological Science)



Changing Social Norm Compliance With Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (Science)

※tDCSにより右LPFCを刺激することで,罰がある or ない状況下の協力行動が変化.それぞれの環境下により,右LPFCの興奮,抑制の効果が異なる.