
Toshi Nishimura

Research Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Space Physics

Boston University

Spring 2019   EK 103   Computational Linear Algebra   Section A4

Syllabus (Common across all sections)

Spring 2022   EK 103   Computational Linear Algebra   Section A5

Syllabus (Common across all sections)

Spring 2023   EK 103   Computational Linear Algebra   Section A5

Goals: The goal of EK 103 is to understand linear algebra theories that are a foundation for advanced courses. Students will also learn real-life applications (see examples below) to understand how linear algebra is applied to solve engineering problems.

Syllabus: The syllabus will be provided to registered students before the semester begins. The ones for the prior years can be found above. Note that the syllabus this year may not be identical to prior years. 

Registration--Lecture: Below are typical problems with registration. The instructor does not reserve, lock, or assign seats. Students should reach out to the college office to resolve registration issues.

(Class full) Consider another section or sign up for the waitlist. Also check the system periodically since seats may open up occasionally without notice.

(Seats reserved, Class closed) If you see open seats but can't register, contact the college office and request a seat assignment. 

(Locked to a certain student population) The college has set a priority to those students. Other student populations should wait until the registration for the prioritized population begins

Registration--Discussion section: A5 students should register for discussion section B7 or B8. 

(Class full) Sign up for the waitlist and check the system periodically as seats may open up occasionally without notice

(Seats reserved, Class closed) Contact the college office and request a seat assignment. 

(Locked) Wait until the registration for the prioritized population begins. 

(Schedule conflict with B7 and B8) You may register for another discussion section but you should notify the instructor before the semester begins to make arrangements. You will still need to complete assignments that are issued in B7/B8 to earn credit. You will also need to accept that the discussion section for another instructor will not be synchronized with A5

Registration--Friday evening: The Friday evening slot is reserved for mid-term exams. The exam schedule will be announced later. It is your responsibility to make yourself available for the exams. Those who have a legitimate conflict (e.g., another class, athletic competitions, medical reasons, family emergency, and religious observations) will be allowed to take a makeup exam after the regular exam. A personal leisure is not an allowable reason for a makeup exam.

Registration--Others: If the system has changed your registration without your consent, contact the college office and request a correction. The instructor does not move students around.

Waitlist: https://www.bu.edu/eng/eng-core-ek-waitlists/

ENG college office: https://www.bu.edu/eng/admissions/undergraduate/contact-us/

Lectures: The lectures will present mathematical concepts of linear algebra, work on example problems, and provide real-life applications. Lecture slides will be posted online. In A5, attendance is required. A quiz is issued every lecture to measure your understanding and progress using textbook-level problems.

Discussion: The discussion section will review lecture material and work on problems. In B7 and B8, attendance is required. 

Homework: Homework will be issued approximately every week. Homework problems will test understanding of key concepts and calculations. The homework sometimes include programming exercises. 

Exams: There will be midterm exams and a final exam. Study guides and practice exams will be provided. Scores will be curved as needed. See the note above about the midterm exams. Similarly, you need to make yourself available during the final exam week. Those who have a legitimate conflict will be allowed to take a makeup exam after the regular final exam. An early departure for a vacation is not an allowable reason for a makeup.