Experimental Techniques


Our current core technique is whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology, which allows us to obtain advanced functional information from individual neural cells in acute or cultured brain slices. We also perform electrophysiological field-potential recordings to measure population scale activity, and we can do this concurrently with whole-cell recordings on our two-channel setup. Our core setup uses a HEKA EPC10 double amplifier and is based around a MCI CleverScope setup with dual CleverArm manipulators. Our electrophysiology is equipped with LEDs for epifluorescence visualization of fluorescent cells, and these LEDs are controllable via TTL pulses to also utilize them for optogenetics.


For live-cell 2-photon microscopy we have access to the core facility Femtonics 2D Galvo setup, which can be used both for in vivo brain imaging and acute brain slice work. The 2-photon microscope allows not only imaging of dynamic morphologies in 3D, but also visualization of functional processes, such as calcium signaling. The 2-photon microscope setup is equipped with Axon 700B dual channel amplifier and an Axon 1550B digitizer to allow concurrent electrophysiology experiments.


STED microscopy allows imaging of the smallest neuronal structures, including dendritic spines, axons, and the individual channels of the brain extracellular space. We are currently custom-building a STED microscope to extend our experimental reach beyond the optical diffraction barrier.


Our work relies of an array of complementary techniques, including cell culturing, stereotaxic injections immunohistochemistry, genetic transfections and more.