
Open-source software

  • Active ITK developer
    • Contributed my symmetric demons image registration algorithm
      • The main practical advantages of the symmetric demons with respect to the other demons variants is that is provides the inverse of the spatial transformation at no additional computational cost and ensures that the registration of image A to image B provides the inverse of the registration from image B to image A
    • Contributed my diffeomorphic demons image registration algorithm
      • Diffeomorphic Demons is an efficient algorithm for the diffeomorphic registration of N dimensional images. Typical 256 x 256 x 181 3D medical images can be registered in less than three minutes on a 2 x 2.8 GHz quad-core Intel Xeon Apple Mac pro computer
    • See the diffeomorphic demons in action on the web site of the Stark Lab
  • Contributed to the spherical demons matlab software of B.T. Thomas Yeo
    • Spherical Demons is an algorithm that registers spherical images. Registration between a 160k vertices subject mesh and an atlas takes less than 5 mins on a Xeon 3.2GHz single processor machine, which is more than 10 times faster than the popular, freely-available FreeSurfer. Experiments also show that Spherical Demons is at least as accurate as FreeSurfer
    • An ITK version of the spherical demons is now available. Unfortunately, it is not yet working very well. So if you need to register real data or surfaces, the matlab code is currently the best bet!
      • The initial rotational registration (ITK c++ implementation available from the Insight Journal)
      • The iterative smoothing algorithm both for scalar and displacement/velocity fields (ITK c++ implementation available from the Insight Journal)
      • The main demons iterations driver (ITK c++ implementation available from the Insight Journal)
  • Tiny contributions and bug reports to VNL, CMake, KWStyle, Refbase, etc.
  • A small gadget to get Pubmed on a google page


  • Contributed to MedINRIA
    • Incorporated my diffeomorphic demons image registration algorithm
    • Contributed to the DT-REFinD software for non-linear DTI registration. Diffusion Tensor Registration with Exact Finite Strain Differential (DT-REFinD) is an algorithm that registers diffusion tensor images using full tensor information. Registration of a pair of 128x128x60 diffusion tensor volumes takes 15 minutes on a Xeon 3.2GHz single processor machine, which is faster than many non-linear scalar image registration algorithms

Commercial software

  • I spend most of my time at Mauna Kea Technologies to develop proprietary software.
  • In particular, my PhD work is at the core of the mosaicing plugin.
  • I have also participated to the project. An online community for Cellvizio users with the ability to share their pCLE data and knowledge, and interact directly with each other.