This page is a space for me to share some of the interactive content I have authored over the years. Most recently, (since 2011), I have used HTML5 and related authoring tools. Below is a Flash Drum Circle I made in 2008 which can be experienced with Ruffle Flash Emulator.

Aztec Sun Stone

Phone Users - If you can't see the whole scene, turn to landscape mode

The flash technology has been given a new lease on life!

Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator written in Rust.

Ruffle is an entirely open source project maintained by volunteers. 

Leveraging the safety of the modern browser sandbox and the memory safety guarantees of Rust, Ruffle avoids all the security pitfalls that Flash had a reputation for. 

Ruffle runs on all platforms including browsers on iOS and Android!

This forest drum circle flash app was one of my first interactive projects back in 2008!

Forest Drum Circle on GitHub

Phone Users - If you can't see the whole scene, turn to landscape mode


I have also experimented with Quicktime VR 

and made interesting panoramas 

like the one below

NOTE: only works on Mac OS (tested on 10.9) 

with Safari web browser, since other browsers 

have ended support.