Collecting Goals
2025 Goals
1. COMPLETED GOAL - Complete 1975 Topps Upgrades - NRMT - Mike Schmidt. [COMPLETE Greyson/Kenneth Siscon]
2. Topps 1965 set – Down to 2 cards
3. Decrease Topps 1966 set from 24 to 15 with a long-term goal of completing by 2026. [Steve Archibald=2]
4. Decrease Topps 1963 set from 46 to 40 with a long-term goal of completing by 2027.
5. Decrease upgrades from 1967 - 1976 Topps sets from 168 to 143. (Includes '75 minis)
6. Complete 1978 Kellogg's set - Down from 4 cards
7. Complete 1974 Kellogg's set - Down from 2 cards
8. 1977 - 2024 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 242 to 250.
9. Hall of Fame Books (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 447 to 260.
10. Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 39 to 41. [Factory issued, not personally signed]
11. Hall of Fame Book - Increase completed player sets from 22 to 25. [A player set is the rookie card, retirement card and autographed card.] [Up to 22]
12. Score 1977, 1978, and 1979 sets.
2024 Goals
NOT COMPLETE - Complete 1975 Topps Upgrades - NRMT - Mike Schmidt.
2. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1964 set from 10 to 5 with a long-term goal of completing by 2025. [COMPLETED - Set Completed]
3. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1965 set from 17 to 10 with a long-term goal of completing by 2026. [COMPLETED - Down to 2]
4. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1966 set from 38 to 30 with a long-term goal of completing by 2027. [COMPLETED - Down to 24]
5. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease upgrades from 1967 - 1975 Topps sets from 213 to 175. (Includes '75 minis) [COMPLETED - Down to 164]
6. COMPLETED GOAL 1977 - 2024 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 225 to 230. [COMPLETED - Up to 242]
7. COMPLETED GOAL Hall of Fame Books (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 385 to 410. [COMPLETED - Up to 447]
8. NOT COMPLETE - Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 37 to 40. [Factory issued, not personally signed] [Up to 39]
9. NOT COMPLETE - Hall of Fame Book - Increase completed player sets from 21 to 25. [A player set is the rookie card, retirement card and autographed card.] [Up to 22]
2023 Goals
1. COMPLETED GOAL - Complete 1981 Kellogg's set. 2 cards needed - [COMC=1, EricP=1 - set Kill]
2. COMPLETED GOAL - Complete 1977 Hostess complete set. Currently 12 are needed. [COMC=4] [Ebay=2][Show-STL=1][Bob Neill = 3][JRo = 2 set kill]
3. COMPLETED GOAL - Decrease Topps 1964 set from 24 to 14 with a long-term goal of completing by 2025. Currently at 10 to complete as of 11/25. [JimiT=1, COMC=7, EricP=1, KenM=1, LCS=1, Facebook=3]
4. COMPLETED GOAL - Decrease Topps 1965 set from 29 to 20 with a long-term goal of completing by 2026. Currently at 17 to complete as of 11/25. [Show-STL=6, COMC=4, Facebook=2]
5. COMPLETED GOAL - Decrease Topps 1966 set from 69 to 59 with a long-term goal of completing by 2027. Currently at 38 to complete as of 11/25. [JamesM=6, EricP=2, COMC=1, CCjr=1, Hutch=2, Jimi=3, Show-STL=11, KenM=1, EbayLot=2, CardShopBen=1, ???=1]
6. COMPLETED GOAL - Complete 1967 Topps set with Seaver. [Purchased Machinist Hall, STL - set Kill]
7. COMPLETED GOAL - Decrease upgrades from 1967 - 1975 Topps sets from 356 to 325. (Includes '75 minis) [As of 11/25/23 = 143 hits, down to 213 upgrades, Michael Salinsky with big hitter with 29 - 1968 upgrades.]
8. NOT COMPLETE - 1977 - 2023 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 220 to 230. [As of 11/25/23 = 5 hits, up to 225 cards]
9. COMPLETED GOAL - Hall of Fame Books (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 316 to 340. [As of 11/25/23 = 69 hits, up to 385 cards]
10. NOT COMPLETE - Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 35 to 40. [Factory issued, not personally signed] [As of 11/25/23 = 37 autos - COMC=Kiner, Glavine]
11. NOT COMPLETE - Hall of Fame Book - Increase completed player sets from 20 to 25. [A player set is the rookie card, retirement card and autographed card.] [21]
2022 Goals
1. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1964 set from 57 to 47 with a long-term goal of completing by 2025. (1=JamesM, 1=PatrickP, 3=CesarC, 1=Nate, 1=JSG, 1=BobC, 12=JayFrench-Facebook, 9=???, COMC=4) [24 as of 12/31]
2. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1965 set from 75 to 65 with a long-term goal of completing by 2026. (1=PatrickP, 6=Betza, 1=DrC, 2=JRo Box, 2=BobDonaldson, 2=Kodl, 7=SportsLot-BallPark, 15=JayFrench-Facebook, 1=PeterN, 1=DanW, 3=COMC, 5 = MattMobley-Facebook, 1=???) [28 as of 12/31]
3. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1966 set from 88 to 78 with a long-term goal of completing by 2027. (5=PhilC, 2=CesarC, 1=JeffD, 1=JamesK, 2=JayFrench-Facebook, 1=BobKoch-Facebook, 6=COMC, 1=CliffF) [69 as of 12/31]
4. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease Topps 1967 from 2 to 1 (Seaver or Carew) with a long-term goal of completing by 2023. [1 as of 12/31]
5. COMPLETED GOAL Decrease upgrades from 1968 -1975 Topps sets from 291 to 270. (Includes '75 minis) [down to 267 as of 6/20] Re-evaluated sets which increased upgrade count. - Adjusted total - Now 356 as of 12/31 for 1967-1975]
6. NOT COMPLETE - 1977 - 2022 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 202 to 225. [220 as of 12/31]
7. COMPLETED GOAL Hall of Fame Books (see 'Top 100 Wants' page). Increase collection from 257 to 300. [316 as of 12/31]
8. COMPLETED GOAL Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 30 to 34. (Added Bob Feller, JimBunning, LeeSmith, JuanMarichal, AlanTrammell) [35 as of 12/31]
2021 Goals
COMPLETED GOAL 1. Decrease Topps 1967 & 1968 from 159 cards to 50 cards.
COMPLETED GOAL 2. Decrease upgrades from 1968 -1975 Topps sets from 300 to 250.
COMPLETED GOAL 3. 1977 - 2021 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 183 to 200.
COMPLETED GOAL 4. Hall of Fame Book (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 230 to 250.
COMPLETED GOAL 5. Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 25 to 28.
2020 Goals
COMPLETED GOAL 1. Decrease Topps 1968 from 124 cards to 100 cards. (decreased to 24)
COMPLETED GOAL 2. Decrease upgrades from 1969-1975 Topps sets from 322 to 300. (decreased to 261 as-of 6/6/20)
COMPLETED GOAL 3. 1985-2020 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 158 to 170. "183"
COMPLETED GOAL 4. Hall of Fame Book (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 205 to 225. "230"
COMPLETED GOAL 5. Hall of Fame Book - Increase autographs from 23 to 25. "25"
2019 Goals
COMPLETED GOAL 1. Topps 1972 is missing 40 cards.
COMPLETED GOAL 2. Topps 1969 is missing 211 cards.
COMPLETED GOAL 3. 1988-2019 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 118 to 130.
COMPLETED GOAL 4. Hall of Fame Book (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 187 to 200.
2017 - 2018 Goals
Collecting on hold
2016 Goals
NOT COMPLETE - 1. Topps 1972 is missing 40 cards. Decrease count to 25 cards. (Down to 36)
COMPLETED GOAL 2. Topps 1975 Mini is missing 1 card. Decrease count to 0.
NOT COMPLETE - 3. 1988-2016 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 103 to 118.
NOT COMPLETE - 4. Hall of Fame Book (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 162 to 187.
NOT COMPLETE - 5. Sell off 20,000 cards on Craig's List (cards acquired in 2 large collections) (WIP - SOLD 8,650)
2015 Goals
COMPLETED GOAL 1. Topps Run 1973-2013 is missing 87 cards ... complete all base sets. (decreased to 0)
COMPLETED GOAL 2. 1973 Topps Blue Unmarked Checklist Set (need to upgrade 3) (decreased to 0)
COMPLETED GOAL 3. Topps 1970 and 1972 are missing a combined 62 cards. Decrease count to 50 cards. (decreased to 41)
COMPLETED GOAL 4. 1989-2015 Hall of Famers (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 83 to 90. (increased to 111)
COMPLETED GOAL 5. Hall of Fame Book (see 'Top 30 Wants' page). Increase collection from 136 to 150. (increased to 165)
NOT COMPLETE - 6. Sell off 30,000 cards on Craig's List (cards acquired in 2 large collections) (3,000 of 30,000 cards sold)
2014 Goals
NOT COMPLETE - 1. Topps Run 1973-2013 is missing 615 cards ... complete all base sets. (Decreased from 615 to 87)
NOT COMPLETE - 2. 1973 Topps Blue Unmarked Checklist Set (need to upgrade 4) (Decreased from 4 to 3)
COMPLETED GOAL - 3. Topps 1970 and 1972 are missing a combined 85 cards. Decrease count to 75 cards. (decreased to 62)
COMPLETED GOAL - 4. 1992-2013 Hall of Fame Collection (see Top 30 page). Increase collection from 64 to 70. (increased to 83)
COMPLETED GOAL - 5. Hall of Fame Book (see Top 30 page). Increase collection from 127 to 140. (increased to 136)
NOT COMPLETE - 6. Sell off 30,000 cards on Craig's List (cards acquired in 2 large collections) (0 of 30,000 cards sold)
2013 Goals
COMPLETED GOAL 1. 1968 Topps Deckle Set - Missing 1 (Wynn 11b).
COMPLETED GOAL 2. Topps Run 1995-2012 is missing 618 cards (94.5498%) ... Increase % complete to 98% or 227 missing cards.
NOT COMPLETE - 3. Topps Run 1995-2012 - increase complete set count from 8 to 13. (12 of 13 Sets completed)
NOT COMPLETE - 4. 1973 Topps Blue Unmarked Checklist Set (need to upgrade 4) (Decreased from 6 to 4)
NOT COMPLETE - 5. Topps 1970 and 1972 are missing a combined 103 cards. Decrease count to 80 cards. (Decreased to 85 not 80)
COMPLETED GOAL 6. 1997-2012 Hall of Fame Collection (see Top 30 page). Increase collection from 101 to 125.
NOT COMPLETE - 7. Sell off 50,000 cards on Craig's List (cards acquired in 2 large collections) (48,000 of 50,000 cards sold)