

Extensive collection of JEP articles for classroom use arranged by topic. 

PhD-level course on Psychology and Economics by Stefano DellaVigna. 

Mini-course on Behavioural Public Economics by Hunt Allcott and Dmitry Taubinsky.

Graduate-level course on Public Economics by Emmanuel Saez.

For nerds and educators, The Economics of The Office.


Useful spreadsheet with upcoming Behavioural & Experimental Economics conferences.

BIT Report on the impact of modern diet on the climate crisis and how to foster the necessary changes. 

If you struggle to produce valuable outputs in finite time, I highly recommend Cal Newport's 'Deep Work'.

Rachael Meager on public speaking, because "good ideas don't sell themselves". 

For theorists hard and soft, 'How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time' by Hal Varian.

Tatyana Deryugina on how to respond to reviewers' comments.

Katie Grogan on academic writing as a painful but rewarding pursuit. 

Cormac McCarthy's tips on writing a scientific paper. 

On her website, Jennifer Doleac has a brilliant collection of helpful Twitter threads. 

Also European Association of Young Economists offers plenty of useful advice for young researchers.