Tomás Rodríguez Barraquer

email: t.rodriguezb(at)uniandes(dot)edu(dot)co

Of: W-819

Facultad de Economía

Universidad de los Andes

Calle 19A No. 1-37 Este · Bloque W

Bogotá, Colombia


A model of compeittive signalling with rich message spaces

(with Xu Tan)

Review of Economic Design, January 2022, 1-43

When voters like to be right: An analysis of the Condorcet Jury Theorem with mixed motives

(with Rune Midjord and Justin Valasek)

Journal of Economic Theory, 198, December 2021, 105354

Voting in Large Committees with Disesteem Payoffs: A 'state of the art' model

(with Rune Midjord and Justin Valasek)

Games and Economic Behavior, 104 (2017), 430-443.

From Observable Behaviors to Structures of Interaction in Binary Games of Strategic Complements

Entropy 15, no. 11 (2013): 4648-4667.

(Special issue on Social networks and difussion, edited by Paolo Pin)

Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange

(with Matthew O. Jackson and Xu Tan)

The American Economic Review 102, no. 5 (2012): 1857-1897.

Epsilon-equilibria of Perturbed Games

(with Matthew O. Jackson and Xu Tan)

Games and Economic Behavior 75.1 (2012): 198-216.

Work in Progress

"Propensity to Trust and Network Formation"

(with Juan Camilo Cárdenas, Danisz Okulicz , Davide Pietrobon and Tatiana Velasco )

"Online Quality with Endogenous Organization"

(with Matthew Ellman)

"The More (Strategies) the Merrier: Evidence from Soccer"

(with Jorge Tovar)

"Peer effects and Endogenous Network Formation"

(with Giacomo De Giorgi and Michele Pellizzari)

[cv in pdf format]

Policy related

"Financiación no Bancaria y Casas de Agroinsumos en Colombia

with Nicolás de Roux , María del Pilar López-Uribe y Natalia Moreno. Noviembre 2021. Documento CEDE 2021-56.