Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop 


Upcoming workshop

December 6, 2024 (Friday)  15:00-16:30, JST

Venue: Zoom

(Interactive Satellite Venue: 東京大学大学院経済学研究科 学術交流棟 (小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室 )

Guest Speaker:Mika Akesaka (Kobe University)

Title Fathers' Involvement in Childcare and Mothers' Employment: Evidence from Bunching 

Abstract: We study the effects of fathers’ involvement in housework and childcare during their youngest child’s preschool and early primary school years on mothers’ labor supply. We control for the endogeneity of fathers’ involvement by exploiting bunching at zero hours on a weekday. Using the panel data on Japanese women, we find that fathers’ hours of housework and childcare are positively associated with mothers’ labor supply. However, once we control for selection on unobservables, we find limited positive effects on mothers’ labor supply. This result suggests that selection on unobservables is mostly driving the observed positive associations between fathers’ involvement and mothers’ labor supply. 



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