Tobin Hanspal
Associate Professor of Finance
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Faculty Member
Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF)
Research Affiliate
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
+43 1 313 36 6371
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance
Welthandelsplatz 1
A-1020 Vienna
Working Papers:
Educating Investors about Dividends - with Andreas Hackethal, Samuel M. Hartzmark, and Konstantin Bräuer.
Revise and Resubmit Review of Financial Studies
Selected presentations: University of Kentucky Finance Conference, EFA 2024, NBER Behavioral, Utah Winter Finance Conference 2025Local Returns and Beliefs about the Stock Market - with Clemens Wagner.
Revise and Resubmit Journal of Financial Economics
Selected presentations: SGF 2024, EFA 2023, DGF 2023
SIX Best Paper Award, Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF Conference), 2024Do Gamblers Invest in Lottery Stocks? - with Emily Kormanyos and Andreas Hackethal.
Reject and Resubmit Management ScienceBeliefs and the Disposition Effect - with Steffen Andersen, Jimmy Martinez-Correa, and Kasper Meisner Nielsen.
Revise and Resubmit Management SciencePersonal Financial Advice and Portfolio Quality - with Olga Balakina, Claes Bäckman, Andreas Hackethal, and Dominique M. Lammer
Selected presentations: CEPR Household Finance 2023, SGF 2022, CEPR Advanced Forum in Financial Economics, JEF SeminarDo Financial Misconduct Experiences Spur White-Collar Crime? - with Steffen Andersen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen
Selected presentations: EFA 2020, Helsinki Finance 2019
Participation and Losses in Multi-Level Marketing: Evidence from an FTC Settlement - with Claes Bäckman. Financial Planning Review (2022). [SSRN]
Political Corruption, Trust, and Household Stock Market Participation - with Di Bu and Yin Liao. Journal of Banking and Finance (2022). [SSRN]
Consuming Dividends - with Konstantin Bräuer and Andreas Hackethal. Review of Financial Studies (2022). [SSRN]
The Characteristics and Portfolio Behavior of Bitcoin Investors: Evidence from Indirect Cryptocurrency Investments - with Dominique M. Lammer, Andreas Hackethal, and Kevin Rink. Review of Finance (2021). [SSRN]
Cultivating Self-Control in FinTech: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Online Consumer Borrowing - with Di Bu, Yin Liao, and Yong Liu. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2021). [SSRN]
Exposure to the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash and its Effect on Household Expectations - with Annika Weber and Johannes Wohlfart. Review of Economics and Statistics (2021).
[Online appendix and survey instructions] [SSRN]Once Bitten, Twice Shy: The Power of Personal Experiences in Risk Taking - with Steffen Andersen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen. Journal of Financial Economics (2019). [SSRN]
Resting Papers...
Does Financial Technology Affect Household Savings Behavior? - with Gregor Becker.
Revise and Resubmit Journal of Banking and FinanceRisk Taking, Preferences, and Beliefs: Evidence from Wuhan - with Di Bu, Yin Liao, and Yong Liu
[Presentation video] [CEPR Covid Economics Issue 5]
Selected presentations: FMA 2021, SFS Cavalcade 2021, Virtual Finance and Economics Conference, Finance in the Cloud III, Aarhus, SABEThe Effect of Personal Financing Disruptions on Entrepreneurship
Selected presentations: AFA 2018, SGF 2017, CEPR Entrepreneurship 2016, EEA 2016