Starting Off

When starting a new city you may not know what to do. This tutorial will explain one way you should start your town. Feel free to change any steps to fit your play style.

1) Place a turbine with dirt roads.

This will be you industrial area. Dirt roads are the cheapest roads and don't need to be replaced until later on. The reason I recommend you place a turbine instead of the solar panel is because you will save money in the long run if you use the turbine.

2) Next make an area a little bit away from the turbine and place a water tower there.

This will be your residential and commercial area. If the two areas are too close it will hurt you down the road.

3) Make sure the area is watered, and make sure you're paying attention to the 20ktutorial. It's important, okay?

4) Place your zones after making sure you city is wired up.

You can use zones or power lines to transfer power to an area. Here I used some farms.

5) Add some parks and sports.

You might not want to do this right away as you probably won't have enough money to. Parks can be placed anywhere on land, but sports need to be connected to a road.

And that's it. Feel free to do what you want from here. Down the road you will need police, schools, etc, but in the beginning those do not matter as much.