
This workshop is organized as part of the Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE2013) Conference. You can register through the ACE2013 registration page.

Full as well as student registrations are available (350-750 euros; early bird ends Sept 25), it also possible to register just for the workshop (90 euros).

If you participate in the workshop we would appreciate if you could answer the following survey questions. We will share the surveys and results at the workshop to facilitate future networking. Please mail your answers to:

1. In 100 words tell us a little bit about yourself.

2. What is your education context (e.g. scientific education, vocational/HBO, industry)?

3. Which of the following statements fit your situation (more than one can apply):

  • I already use tinkering in my research
  • I already use tinkering in my education
  • I already use tinkering in other work activities
  • I wish to use tinkering in my research
  • I wish to use tinkering in my education
  • I wish to use tinkering in other work activities
  • I wish to extend my network with fellow tinkerers
  • What's tinkering?

4. What interests you in tinkering?

5. What in your opinion are the key challenges for tinkering in scientific education and research?

6. If any, what tinkering methods or tools do you use (hardware, software, fabrication, creative methods, any other)?

7. What in your opinion are good examples or best-practices of tinkering in scientific education, either in your own educational activities or that of others?

8. Would you be interested in post-workshop co-authoring a paper or publication about this topic?