IEC 61499

A Blog on IEC 61499 and IEC 61131

For a list of papers on IEC 61499 see here

IEC 61499 related activities

A) Development environments (IDEs)

B) Run-time environments /RTSJ-AXE, RTAI-AXE

C) Development Methodologies

D) A SOA semantic web based ESS

E) Example Applications

A) Development environments (IDEs)

CORFU Engineering Support System (CORFU FBDK)

A Framework for Distributed Control and Automation

CORFU FBDK is an IEC 61499 compliant environment for the development of Function Block based distributed Industrial-Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCSs).


CORFU FBDK Brochure:

Archimedes Engineering Support System (Archimedes ESS)

Archimedes ESS is a prototype system platform that attempts to facilitate the integrated development (concurrent engineering) of the different parts of Mechatronic Systems, exploiting the MIM architecture. Archimedes system platform along with the appropriate extensions can be utilized to address the development of complex Mechatronic manufacturing systems that allow run-time reconfiguration exploiting the IEC61499 Function Block model.


Archimedes Brochure:

B) Run-time environments

IETA'06 paper: IEC61499 Execution Model Semantics

RTSJ-AXE (based on real-time Java specification) related paper

RTAI-AXE (based on real-time Linux) related INDIN paper ETFA paper IEEE TIE paper

CCM-AXE (based on CORBA component model) related paper

Luciol-AXE (based on aJile real-time java processor) related paper

C) Development Methodologies

Integrating UML with IEC61499 (hybrid approach) related paper

Model Integrated Mechatronics (MIM)

D) A SOA based ESS

Towards a SOA semantic web based ESS (SOA4DCS) related paper

E) Example Applications