
On the review process

A) K. Thramboulidis, “Comments on “On the Implementation of Industrial Automation Systems Based on PLC””, IEEE Trans. On Automation Science and Engineering, (submitted March 2015).

The reviews, which are considered unreliable by the author, as well as the author’s response to these can be found in the above page.

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C) On the review process of IEEE Transactions or on “acceptable level of academic discussion”


I have recently submitted a correspondence that comments on a paper published in IEEE Transactions.

The submission was rejected using as main argument the unacceptable level of academic discussion (see below)

1) “To make his point he is using very offensive language "contain many inaccuracies, obscurenesses and inconsistencies.", instead of accepting facts and other people point of view.”

2) “Authors of manuscript, instead on focusing on the merit, are criticizing a form

of another publication: "contain many inaccuracies, obscurenesses and

inconsistencies.". This is not acceptable level of the academic discussion …”

Of course there is another view (the one that I agree with) expressed by another reviewer:

3) “Personally I like the idea to publish an article which collects oberservations and

thoughts about publications of other authors since I think that this kind of

discussion leads to faster progress and can also lead to new cooperations.”

Another argument for rejection was expressed as follows:

4) “Also, paper in question (…) is poorly cited (only 5 citations) and as such probably should not be published.”