
Working Papers 

Couttenier, M., J. Marcoux, T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2024, The Gravity of Violence, CEPR DP19527

Berthou, A. T. Mayer and J-S Mesonnier, 2023, Good Connections : Bank Specialization and the Tariff Elasticity of Exports, R&R at Journal of International Economics

Colson-Sihra, E., T. Mayer and J. de Sousa, 2022, Market Integration and Convergence in Consumption Patterns

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2022, Welfare effects of Balkan trade liberalization through the lens of structural gravity, mimeo. Data and code archive.

Published Papers since 2010

Alviarez, V., K Head and T. Mayer, 2024, "Global giants and local stars: How changes in brand ownership affect competition", revised version of CEPR DP 14628,  forthcoming at American Economic Journal Micro

Head, K, T. Mayer and M. Melitz, 2024, The Laffer Curve for Rules of Origin,  Journal of International Economics 150, 103911

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2023, "Poor Substitutes? Counterfactual methods in IO and Trade Compared" , revised version of CEPR DP 16762, forthcoming at the Review of Economics and Statistics. Data and code archive.

Head, K, T. Mayer and M. Melitz, 2023, The Unintended Consequences of High Regional Content Requirements forthcoming in Local Content Requirements: Promises and Pitfalls, Routledge.

Buggle J., Mayer T., Sakalli S. and Thoenig M., 2023, "The Refugee’s Dilemma: Evidence from Jewish Migration out of Nazi Germany",  Quarterly Journal of Economics 138(2): 1273-1345. Online Appendix.

Malgouyres, C., T. Mayer and C. Mazet, 2023,  "Who Benefits from State Corporate Tax Cuts? A Local Labor Markets Approach with Heterogeneous Firms: Comment",  American Economic Review, 113 (8): 2270-86.

Bosquet, C.,  Combes, PP., Henry, E., and T. Mayer, 2022, "Peer Effects in Academic Research: Senders and Receivers",  Economic Journal 132(648): 2644–2673.

Algan, Y., C Malgouyres, T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2022, "The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns across France",  Economic Journal 132(642): 437–470 (lead article)

Malgouyres, C., T. Mayer and C. Mazet, 2021, "Technology-induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France", Journal of International Economics, 133:  103520 (lead article).

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2021, "The United States of Europe: A gravity model evaluation of the four freedoms", Journal of Economic Perspectives 35(2): 23-48. Online appendix. Data and code archive.

Mayer, T. Melitz, M. and G. Ottaviano, 2021, "Product Mix and Firm Productivity Responses to Trade Competition" ,  Review of Economics and Statistics 103(5): 874–891.

Mayer, T. and W. Steingress, 2020, ''Estimating the Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Total Exports" Journal of International Money and Finance 106: 102184.

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2019, Brands in Motion: How frictions shape multinational production. American Economic Review, 109(9): 3073-3124. Online Appendix.

Mayer, T., Vicard, V. and S. Zignago, 2019, "The Cost of Non-Europe, Revisited", Economic Policy 98: 145-199 (lead article). Corrigendum file. Also provided, the code and data for this paper.

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2019, "Misfits in the car industry: Offshore Assembly Decisions at the Variety Level",  Journal of the Japanese and International economies, 52: 90-105. 

Malgouyres, C. and T. Mayer, 2018, "Exports and labor costs: Evidence from a French Policy", Review of World Economics, 154(3): 429-454 (lead article).

Bas, M., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2017, From Micro to Macro:  Demand, Supply, and Heterogeneity in  the Trade Elasticity, Journal of International Economics, 108: 1-19 (lead article).

Mayer, T. and C. Trevien, 2017, "The Impacts of Urban Public Transportation: Evidence from the Paris Region",  Journal of Urban Economics 102: 1-21 (lead article).

Mayneris, F., Mayer, T. and L. Py, 2017, "The Impact of Urban Enterprise Zones on Establishments' Location Decisions: Evidence from French ZFUs", Journal of Economic Geography 17(4): 709-752 (lead article). 

Martin, P. T. Mayer and F. Mayneris, 2015, "Are clusters more resilient in crises? Evidence from French exporters in 2008-2009", in Factory-Free Economy, ed. L. Fontagné and A. Harrison, forthcoming Oxford University Press

Head, K., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2014, "Welfare and Trade Without Pareto",  American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104(5): 310-316.

Mayer, T. Melitz, M. and G. Ottaviano, 2014, "Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters", American Economic Review, 104(2): 495-536.

Head, K., and T. Mayer, 2014, "Gravity Equations: Workhorse,Toolkit, and Cookbook", chapter 3 in Gopinath, G, E. Helpman and K. Rogoff (eds), vol. 4 of the Handbook of International Economics, Elsevier: 131–-195. Appendix here. Companion website to the paper, including a lot of stata code, here.

Head, K., and T. Mayer, 2013, "What separates us?  Sources of resistance to globalization" , Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(4): 1196-1231.

Berman, N., De Sousa, J., Martin, P and T. Mayer, 2013, "Time to ship during Financial Crises" NBER WP 18274, published in NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2012, F. Giavazzi and K. West eds., University of Chicago Press.

De Sousa, J. Mayer, T. and S. Zignago, 2012, "Market Access in Global and Regional Trade.'' Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(6): 1037–1052.

Martin, P., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2012, "The geography of conflicts and free trade agreements", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 4(4):1-35 (lead article). See The economics and politics of Free Trade Agreements, April 2010, VOX.

Berman, N., Martin, P. and T. Mayer, 2012, How do different exporters react to exchange rate changes? Theory, empirics and aggregate implications, Quarterly Journal of Economics 127(1): 437-492.

Crozet, M., Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2012, Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine Review of Economic Studies 79(2): 609-644.

Head, K. and Mayer T., 2011, Gravity, Market Potential and Development, Journal of Economic Geography 11(2): 281-294. Online appendix, including Mother Gravity and its babies.

Martin, P. T. Mayer and F. Mayneris, 2011, Public support to clusters A .firm level study of French 'Local productive systems', Regional Science and Urban Economics 41:108-123.

Martin, P. T. Mayer and F. Mayneris, 2011, “Spatial Concentration and Firm-Level Productivity in France” Journal of Urban Economics 69(2): 182-195.

Mayer, T., 2011, ``Les politiques régionales sont-elles efficaces?'' Regards Croisés sur l'économie 10: 137-148.

Mayer, T., I. Méjean and B. Nefussi, 2010, ``The Location of Domestic and Foreign Production Affiliates by French Multinational Firms'', Journal of Urban Economics, 68(2):115-128.

Head, K., T. Mayer, and J. Ries, 2010, ``The erosion of colonial trade linkages after independence'' (supplementary material available here),  Journal of International Economics 81(1):1-14 (lead article).

Disdier, A-C., Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2010, ``Exposure to foreign media and changes in cultural traits: Evidence from naming patterns in France'', Journal of International Economics 80(2): 226-238.

Disdier, A-C., S. Tai, L. Fontagné, and T. Mayer, 2010, ``Bilateral Trade of Cultural Goods”, Review of World Economics 145:575—595 (lead article). 

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2010, ``Illusory Border Effects : Distance Mismeasurement Inflates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade'' in Brakman, Steven and Peter van Bergeijk eds. The Gravity Model in International Trade: Advances and Applications, Cambridge University Press.


Martin, P. and T. Mayer, 2009, "L'effondrement du commerce dans la crise mondiale de 2008-2009 : à qui la faute?" in 16 nouvelles questions d'économie contemporaine, Philippe Askenazy and Daniel Cohen (eds.), Albin Michel.

Head, K., T. Mayer, and J. Ries, 2009, ``How Remote is the Offshoring Threat?'',  European Economic Review 53(4):429--444.

Martin, P., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2008, ``Make Trade not War?'', Review of Economic Studies  75(3): 865-900. Replication file part 1. Replication file part 2.

Martin, P., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2008, ``Civil Wars and International Trade", Journal of the European Economic Association 6(2-3), Proceedings.

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2008, ``Detection of local interactions from the spatial pattern of names in France'', Journal of Regional Science 48(1): 67-95.

Bénassy-Quéré A., M. Coupet, and  T. Mayer, 2007, ``Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment'', World Economy 30(5): 764-782.

Disdier, A-C., and T. Mayer, 2007, ``Je t'aime, moi non plus: Bilateral Opinions and International Trade'',  European Journal of Political Economy 23(4): 1140--1159.

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2006, ``Regional Wage and Employment Responses to Market Potential in the EU'', Regional Science and Urban Economics 36(5): 573--594 (lead article).

Mayer, T., 2005, ``Policy Coherence for Development: A Background paper on Foreign Direct Investment'', OECD Development Centre Working paper n°253.

Fontagné, L., T. Mayer and S. Zignago, 2005, ``Trade in the Triad: How Easy is the Access to Large Markets?.'',  Canadian Journal of Economics  38(4): 1401-1430. 

Combes, P-P., Lafourcade M. and T. Mayer, 2005, ``The Trade Creating Effects of Business and Social Networks: Evidence from France'' , Journal of International Economics, 66:1-29 (lead article).

Head, K., and T. Mayer, 2004,  ``The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade", chapter 59 in the Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Vol. 4 edited by V. Henderson and J.F. Thisse.

Head, K., and T. Mayer, 2004, ``Market Potential and the Location of Japanese Firms in the European Union'',  Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4): 959-972.

Crozet, M., T. Mayer and J.L. Mucchielli, 2004, ``How do firms Agglomerate? A Study of FDI in France'', Regional Science and Urban Economics, 34(1): 27-54.

Disdier A-C., and T. Mayer, 2004, ``How Different is Eastern Europe? Structure and determinants of location choices by French firms in Eastern and Western Europe.'' Journal of Comparative Economics, 32(2): 280-296.

 Head, K., T. Mayer and J. Ries, 2002, ``On the Pervasiveness of Home Market Effects'',  Economica, 69(275): 371-390.

Head, K., T. Mayer and J. Ries, 2002, ``Revisiting Oligopolistic Reaction : Are FDI Decisions Strategic Complements'', Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 11(3): 453-472.

Head, K. and T. Mayer, 2000, ``Non-Europe : The Magnitude and Causes of Market Fragmentation in the EU'',  Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics), 136(2): 285-314.

Mayer, T., 2000, ``Spatial Cournot Competition and Heterogeneous Production Costs Across Locations'', Regional Science and Urban Economics 30(3) : 325-352. 

Books / Reports

Duranton G., Martin P., Mayer T., and Mayneris F., 2010, The Economics of Clusters, Lessons from the French Experience, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Economic Geography (with P-P. Combes and J. Thisse): Economica 2006 (French  version) / Princeton University Press 2008 (English version)

Fontagné, L., Mayer T. and G. Ottaviano}, 2008, ``Of Markets, Products and Prices: The Effects of the Euro on European Firms'', Bruegel-CEPR EFIGE2008 Report, Bruegel Blueprint Series.

 Duranton G., Martin P., Mayer T., Mayneris F., 2008, ``Les pôles de compétitivité : que peut-on en attendre ?'' Opuscule du CEPREMAP 10. Paris : Ed. ENS rue d'Ulm,, 84 p.

Mayer T. and G.. Ottaviano, 2007, ``The happy few: new facts on the internationalisation of European firms'',  Bruegel-CEPR  EFIM2007 Report, Bruegel Blueprint Series.

Mucchielli, J-L. and T. Mayer, 2005, Economie Internationale (Dalloz, Paris)