DLAM Research

My research in problem formulations based on decomposition into low-rank plus additive matrices concerns its evaluation and its applications to background/foreground separation and background initialization. Thus, my main research on DLAM can be summarized in the following points:

1. Surveys

  • A Survey Approach: My surveys concern a category of problem formulations (RPCA), and all the problem formulations (Decomposition in Low-rank+ Additive Matrices). (2 Chapters, 3 Journals, 1 Conference)

2. Robust PCA

  • RPCA Approach: This research concerns the evaluation of RPCA models, and their applications to background/foreground separation and background initailization. (1 Chapter, 3 Journals, 15 Conferences)

3. Robust Matrix Completion

  • RMC Approach: This research concerns the evaluation of RMC models, and their applications to background/foreground separation.and background initialization. (1 Journal, 2 Conferences)

Publications (28): 3 Chapters, 7 Journals, 18 Conferences.

Note: My publications are available on Academia, Research Gate, Researchr, ORCID and Publication List.