Features Research

My research on features concerns robust features, and feature selection for background/foreground separation as follows:

1. Survey

T. Bouwmans, C. Silva, C. Marghes, M. Zitouni, H. Bhaskar, C. Frelicot, “On the Role and the Importance of Features for Background Modeling and Foreground Detection”, Computer Science Review, Volume 28, pages 26-91, May 2018.

2. Robust texture feature

C. Silva, T. Bouwmans, C. Frelicot, 'An eXtended Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos", VISAPP 2015, Berlin, Germany, March 2015.

3. Feature selection

C. Silva, T. Bouwmans, C. Frelicot, "Online Weighted One-Class Ensemble for Feature Selection in Background/Foreground Separation", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016, December 2016.

C. Pacheco, T. Bouwmans, C. Frelicot,"Superpixel-based online wagging one-class ensemble for feature selection in foreground/background separation", Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017.

4. Multi-Feature Fusion

Z. Huang, R. Hu, T. Bouwmans, S. Chen, "Multi-Feature Fusion based Background Subtraction for Video Sequences with Strong Background Changes", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2017, Beijing, China, September 2017.

Publications (5) : 2 Journals, 3 conferences

My recent publications are available on Academia, Research Gate, Researchr, ORCID and Publication List.