Scholarship Winners

2016: Congratulations to Alda Dobbs who will work with mentor Jeannie Mobley on her middle grade manuscript, The Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna, a historical fiction novel set during the Mexican Revolution. 

2017: Congratulations to Julie Ryder who will work with illustrator Dow Phumiruk. Julie works in water color, has a very realistic style, and a great use of perspective in her work. 

2018: Congratulations to Coral Jenrette who will work with writing mentor Anna-Maria Crum on her middle grade fantasy Chasing Fire Light.

2019: Congratulations to Susie Weber and Amber Owen. Susie is a writer who will focus on her picture book manuscripts with Jean Reidy. Amber is an illustrator with a sweet, energetic style, and will work with Dow Phumiruk. 

2020: Congratulations to Sarah Ryan who will work with mentor Claudia Mills on her chapter book series about a family on an year-long RV trip through America's National Parks. 

2021: Congratulations to Malia Maunakea who will work on her Hawaiian middle grade novel, Lei and the Fire Goddess, with mentor Andrea Wang.  

2022: Congratulations to illustrator Ellie Fortune who will work with mentor Kaz Windness AND to Stacey Simmons who will work with mentor Anna Freeman on her chapter book series.

2023: Congratulations to illustrator Athena Lutton who will work with mentor Heather Brockman Lee AND to Rachel Funez who will work with mentor Claudia Mills on her chapter book.

2024: Congratulations to middle grade writer Leigh Gaddy who will work on The Page Behind with mentor Claudia Mills.