Malham 2014

The Widdington Walkers in Malham, North Yorkshire

The Lister Arms

Janet's Foss waterfall

Some of the Boys standing in front of
Janet's Foss waterfall in the vicinity of the village of Malham, North Yorkshire, England

Gordale scar

A small waterfall flows down through the Gordale scar and it's often possible to climb up to the footpath above.

With the exceptional rainfall over last week, will we climb..
Our intrepid mountaineering guide Mark the Sherpa takes a look

Gordale scar

Decision time

All the Boys wait for our safety officer Mr B to give his decision, 10- second later the boys hear the very Sad news.

You can see the great disappointment on the boys faces
that we have to
turn back and not climb the falls.

Malham Tarn

Saturdays walk Up to Gaping Gill then on up to Ingleborough, Well that was the idea.

We were in the clouds now so we put our heads down for the stiff wet ascent.

We couldn't see far what with the low cloud so when Mark the Sherpa sat down
we all followed suit. The wind and rain was battering us as we eat our lunch.
After lunch we all started back down.
It was only in the bar later as we sat chatting over a beer that we realised we hadn't reached the top
we had lunched at little Ingleborough not the summit.
All we could do was laughs and order more beer it will still be there for next time....
Gentlemen, if you would like to contribute to this gallery please forward me your photos

Thanks Gary