
Project Coordinator

Gary L. Griffiths (214-789-1119) is a retired Special Agent of the US Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) and Fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences who is well known for his innovative and effective investigative prowess. He served for seven years as Chief of Research and Development of Investigative Equipment and Techniques for the CID, and achieved an astounding 92% solved rate on his last investigative assignment. Since his retirement from the Army, he founded a company that specialized in providing judgmental use of force and gunfighting training to law enforcement agencies nationwide. He is now fully and happily retired. His e-mail address is

Assistant Coordinator

Betty J. Griffiths (214-789-1160) Has traveled the world with her husband, Gary, and is a retired Girl Scout Leader with nurses training, camping and survival skills. She shares his interest in history and has been with him on this project from the onset. Her e-mail address is

R. Michael Wilson - Well-known author and researcher of Western lore, Mr. Wilson is a no-nonsense retired detective with a knack for ferreting out the facts from obscure historical accounts and presenting them in an interesting and readable format. He is the author of Drenched in Blood, Rigid in Death: The True Story of the Wickenburg Massacre, now in its second edition, which remains the most comprehensive published source of information on the Wickenburg Massacre. Unfortunately, we just learned of Michaels death in September of 2017.

Project Consultant