General Slocum Fire

General Slocum Groups - Schools - TodaysMeet Rooms

1,021 died on June 15, 1904 when an East River (New York City) excursion steamboat, filled with church group family picnickers, caught fire. This fire caused people in the United States to think deeply about safety in public transportation.

What can your group find out about the fire on the General Slocum? Can you find stories? Pictures? Newspapers? Can you find a map showing where the ship burned?

Why did so many people die when the in the fire? What did people want to do to stop this from happening again?

What was the neighborhood where most of the passengers came from like in 1904? Can you find the neighborhood on a map?

What did people think when the General Slocum fire happened? Is the General Slocum remembered today?

Wikipedia Popular Culture General Slocum Articles

On this Day The New York Times Primary Source

Manhattan Melodrama (1934 film including fire on this ship)

Above: The General Slocum in New York City's East River

Above: The General Slocum after the fire

Below: the New York World