Research question 3:

Research question 3: Can you make soap bubbles that are not round?

One of the laws of soap bubble is : ' soap bubbles always want to be round'.

But it in the film you may have noticed that it is possible to make bubbles of different shapes. In this experiment we are going to investigate how to make bubbles that are shaped differently.


- bubble soap

- 250 ml laboratory beaker

- plastic coated wire (the sort you use in your garden)

- scissors


  • Use the plastic coated wire to make 3D wire frames in the shape of a cube, square pyramid and two other shapes (see list of geometric shapes). Make sure that the frames are not to big and fit into the 250 mL beaker.
  • When the frames are done fill the beaker with bubble soap
  • Dip the frame 1 time in the soap and look at the soap film. Are all the sides of the frame filled with a soap film?
  • Dip the frame carefully a second time in the soap. When you do that try to catch a bubble of air underneath your frame. This will make another soap bubble in the middle of your frame. What is the shape of that bubble? Make a drawing and put it into your connector.
  • Try all four of your frames. Do different frames give different bubbles shapes? Try to give an explanation.