Curriculum Vitae

CV (pdf) 

Professor, Department of Economics, Lahore School of Economics, Sept. 2005 – present

Courses taught: Intermediate Microeconomics I and II (BSc), International Economics (BSc), Advanced Microeconomics I and II (MPhil), Theory of Industrial Organization (PhD), Empirical IO (PhD);

Managing Editor, The Lahore Journal of Economics, a bi-annual scholarly journal cited in the JEL and listed on EBSCO and Econlit;

Co-Director, Innovation and Technology Centre, Lahore School of Economics;

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB), Lahore School of Economics;

Research AffiliateInternational Growth Centre, UK;

Research FellowCentre for Economic Research, Pakistan (CERP);

Previous experience:

Consultant, World Bank, World Bank Institute, Washington, DC, Sept. 2002- Sept. 2005

Facilitated the foundation of new WBI public finance learning programs and assisted in development of training modules on local government organization and finance for WBI training programs;

Provided research assistance and short-order briefs on diverse topics, including various public finance issues, pension reform, and Bank lending to sub-national governments;

Consultant, World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department, Washington, DC, June-Aug. 1999, Oct.- Dec. 2000, May 2001- Aug. 2002

Co-author of Mainstreaming Anti-Corruption in World Bank Assistance: A Review of Progress Since 1997, a major report to the World Bank Executive Board; Participated in a World Bank mission to Pakistan for assessment of governance reforms; Evaluated World Bank’s lending program on governance reform; Co-authored OED evaluations of various World Bank projects in public sector reform;  

Instructor, University of Maryland, College Park, Fall 1999-Spring 2002

Courses taught: Development Economics, Principles of Microeconomics



Applied Development Economics conference, Lahore School of Economics, Aug 2023, Aug 2024

Contemporary South Asia Seminar, Department of International Development and Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme, Oxford University, November 2016, Oct 2019

Annual Conference on the Management of the Pakistan Economy, Lahore School of Economics, 2007- 2019, 2023, 2024

IGC Growth Week, London School of Economics, Sept 2012, Sept 2014

Meetings of the Southern Economics Association, New Orleans, LA, November 2004

American Evaluation Association, Washington, D.C., November 2002

Can Decentralization Help Rebuild Indonesia?, Conference hosted by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, May 2000

North Eastern Universities Development Conference (NEUDC), Boston University, Boston, MA, October 2001


Intensive Course on Quantitative Methods of Competition Analysis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Oct. 2013

Firms and Household Enterprises in Developing Countries, Summer School Program at the University of Warwick, July 2010



Referee, Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economics (E-Journal), Journal of South Asian Development, Lahore Journal of Economics, Pakistan Development Review,  Public Administration, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, World Development

Thesis Advisor, Lahore School of Economics

PhD Supervision:

Rabia Arif7 (2023): Essays Analyzing the Impact of External Migration & Intra-Household Decisions on Investments in Physical and Human Capital

Nida Jamil6 (2022): Essays on Firm Productivity in Pakistan 

MPhil Theses supervised:

Tayyab Mansoor (2022): Impact of Women's Empowerment on Total Children Born

Aiman Farrukh (2020): Social Movement and Gender Integration

Komal Shakeel (2020): Watta Satta, Cousin Marriage, and Dowry in Punjab

Beenish Amir (2019): Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Fasting on Cognitive Development of Children

Maida Basharat (2019): Birth Order and Child Labor

Shafaq Junaid (2018): The effect of screening, peer monitoring, group pressure and social ties on microfinance borrowing groups’ repayment behavior

Azka Mir (2017): Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Fasting on Child Health Outcomes

Amar Shuja (2017): Social and Economic Networks: An Investigation of Retailer Networks in Lahore & their Impact on Enterprise Performance

Anam Masood (2015): Impact of Female Secondary School Stipend Program on Enrollment, Marriage, and Fertility Outcomes in Rural Punjab

Maha Khan5 (2014): Effects of Birth Order on Child Nutritional Status

Resham Naveed (2013): Relative Factor Abundance and Relative Factor Price Equality in Punjab

Zunia Tirmazee4  (2013): Relative Wage Variation and Industry Location in Punjab

Muhammad Haseeb3  (2012): Resource Allocation and Aggregate Productivity in Punjab

Uzma Afzal2  (2011): Determinants of Child Health in Punjab, Pakistan,  published as "What Matters in Child Health: An Instrumental Variable Analysis," (2013) Child Indicators Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 673 - 93.  

Mehak Ejaz1  (2010): Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan
