

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: [Google Scholar Profile here , Google is much faster than me at updates]

  • Ketchum R.N., E.G. Smith, M.B. DeBiasse, G.O. Vaughan, D. McParland, W.B. Leach, N. Al-Mansoori, J.F. Ryan, J.A. Burt, and A.M. Reitzel. 2020. Population genomic analyses of the sea urchin Echinometra sp. EZ across an extreme environmental gradient. Genome Biology and Evolution.

  • Carrier, T.J., H.A. Lessios, and A.M. Reitzel. 2020. Eggs of echinoids separated by the Isthmus of Panama harbor divergent microbiota. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 648:169-177

  • Sachkova, M.Y., J. Macrander, J.M. Surm, R. Aharoni, S.S. Menard-Harvey, A. Klock, W.B. Leach, A.M. Reitzel, and Y. Moran Y. 2020. Some like it hot: population-specific adaptations in venom production to abiotic stressors in a widely distributed cnidarian. BMC Biology. 18(1):1-3.

  • Clompen, A.M.L., J. Macrander, A.M. Reitzel, and S. Stampar. 2020. Transcriptomic analysis of four cerianthid (Cnidaria, Ceriantharia) venoms. Marine Drugs. 18, 413.

  • Leach, W.B. and A.M. Reitzel. 2020. Decoupling behavioral and transcriptional responses to color in an eyeless cnidarian. BMC Genomics. 21:, 1-15

  • Schuh, N.W., T.J. Carrier, C.S. Schrankel, A.M. Reitzel, A. Heyland, and J.P. Rast. 2020. Bacterial exposure mediates developmental plasticity and resistance to lethal Vibrio lentus infection in Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) larvae. Frontiers in Immunology. 10, 3014.

  • Knighton, L.E., D. Wolfgeher, A.M. Reitzel, and A.W. Truman. 2019. Dataset of Nematostella vectensis Hsp70 isoform interactomes upon heat shock. Data in Brief. 27, p.104580.

  • Carrier, T. J. and A.M. Reitzel. 2019. Shift in bacterial taxa precedes morphological plasticity in a larval echinoid. Marine Biology, 166(12), 164

  • Sachkova, M.Y., S.A. Singer, J. Macrander, A.M. Reitzel, S. Peigneur, J. Tytgat, and Y. Moran. 2019. The birth and death of toxins with distinct functions: a case study in the sea anemone Nematostella. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36: 2001–2012

  • Ul-Hasan, S., E. Rodríguez-Román, A.M. Reitzel, R.M.M. Adams, V. Herzig, C.J. Nobile, A.J. Saviola, S.A. Trim, E.E. Stiers, S.A. Moschos, C.N. Keiser, D. Petras, Y. Moran, and T.J. Colston. 2019. The emerging field of venom-microbiomics for exploring venom as a microenvironment, and the corresponding Initiative for Venom Associated Microbes and Parasites (iVAMP). Toxicon: X. 4: 100016.

  • Leach, W.B. and A.M. Reitzel. 2019. Transcriptional remodelling upon light removal in a model cnidarian: Losses and gains in gene expression. Molecular Ecology. 28: 3413-3426

  • Leach, W.B., T.J. Carrier, and A.M. Reitzel. 2019. Diel patterning in the bacterial community associated with the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Ecology and Evolution. 9:9935–9947

  • Carrier, T.J., S. Dupont, and A.M. Reitzel. 2019. Geographic location and food availability offer differing levels of influence on the bacterial communities associated with larval sea urchins. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 95: 103

  • Knighton, L.E., S.J. Waller, O. Strom, D. Wolfgeher, A.M. Reitzel, and A.W. Truman. 2019. Dynamic remodeling of the interactomes of Nematostella vectensis Hsp70 isoforms under heat shock. Journal of Proteomics. 206: 103416

  • Stampar, S. N., M.B. Broe, J. Macrander, A.M. Reitzel, M.R. Brugler, and M. Daly. 2019. Linear mitochondrial genome in Anthozoa (Cnidaria): A case study in Ceriantharia. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 6094.

  • Carrier, T. J. and A.M. Reitzel. 2019. Bacterial community dynamics during embryonic and larval development of three confamilial echinoids. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 611: 179-188.

  • Carrier, T.J., K. Wolfe, K. Lopez, M. Gall, D.A. Janies, M. Byrne, and A.M. Reitzel. 2018. Diet-induced shifts in the crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster sp.) larval microbiome. Marine Biology 165: 157

  • Ketchum R.N., M.B. Debiasse, J.F. Ryan, J.A. Burt, and A.M. Reitzel. 2018. The complete mitochondrial genome of the sea urchin, Echinometra sp. EZ. Mitochondrial DNA: Resources. 3(2), 1225-1227. doi:10.1080/23802359.2018.1532335

  • Leach, W. B., J. Macrander, R. Peres, and A. M. Reitzel. 2018. Transcriptome-wide analysis of differential gene expression in response to light: dark cycles in a model cnidarian."Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 26 (2018): 40-49.

  • Carrier, T.J., and A. M. Reitzel. 2018. Convergent shifts in host-associated microbial communities across environmentally elicited phenotypes. Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 952.

  • Reitzel, A.M., Macrander, J., Mane-Padros, D., Fang, B., Sladek, F.M. and Tarrant, A.M., 2018. Conservation of DNA and Ligand Binding Properties of Retinoid X Receptor from the Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens to human. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

  • Columbus-Shenkar, Y.Y., Sachkova, M.Y., Macrander, J., Fridrich, A., Modepalli, V., Reitzel, A.M., Sunagar, K. and Moran, Y., (2018). Dynamics of venom composition across a complex life cycle. eLife, 7, p.e35014.

  • Tarrant, A.M., Payton, S.L., Reitzel, A.M., Porter, D.T. and Jenny, M.J., (2018). Ultraviolet radiation significantly enhances the molecular response to dispersant and sweet crude oil exposure in Nematostella vectensis. Marine Environmental Research. 134: 96-108.

  • Macrander, J.C., Dimond, J.L., Bingham, B.L. and Reitzel, A.M. (2017). Transcriptome sequencing and characterization of Symbiodinium muscatinei and Elliptochloris marina, symbionts found within the aggregating sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Marine Genomics.

  • Carrier, T.J. and Reitzel, A.M. (2017). The Hologenome Across Environments and the Implications of a Host-Associated Microbial Repertoire. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, p.802.

  • Tarrant, A.M., T.D. Gilmore, A.M. Reitzel, O. Levy, U. Technau, and M.Q. Martindale. 2015. Current directions and future perspectives from the third Nematostella research conference. Zoology. 118(2):135-140.

  • Har, J.Y., T. Helbig, J.H. Lim, S.C. Fernando, A.M. Reitzel, K. Penn, and J.R. Thompson. 2015. Microbial diversity and activity in the Nematostella vectensis holobiont: insights from 16S rRNA gene sequencing, isolate genomes, and a pilot-scale survey of gene expression. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00818.

  • Mortzfeld, B.M., S. Urbanski, A.M. Reitzel, S. Kuenzel, U. Technau, and S. Fraune. 2015. Response of bacterial colonization in Nematostella vectensis to development, environment, and biogeography. Environmental Microbiology. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12926.

  • Traylor-Knowles, N.G., E.G. Kane, V. Sombatsaphay, J.R. Finnerty, and A.M. Reitzel. 2015. Sex-specific and developmental expression of Dmrt genes in the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. EvoDevo. 6:13.

  • Peres, R., A.M. Reitzel, Y.J. Passamaneck, S.C. Afeche, J. Cipolia-Neto, A.C. Marques, and M.Q. Martindale. 2014. Developmental and light-entrained expression of melatonin and it relationship to the circadian clock in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. EvoDevo. 5:26.

    • Reitzel, A.M., S.I. Karchner, D.G. Franks, B.R. Evans, D. Nacci, D. Champlin, V.M. Vierira, and M.E. Hahn. 2014. Genetic variation at aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) loci in populations of Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) inhabiting polluted and reference habitats. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 14:6.

  • Stefanik, D.J. T.J. Lubinski, B.R. Granger, A.L. Byrd, A.M.Reitzel, L. DeFilippo, A. Lorenc and J.R. Finnerty. 2014. Production of a reference transcriptome and transcriptomic database (EdwardsiellaBase) for the lined sea anemone, Edwardsiella lineata, a parasitic cnidarian. 15:71. (Link to Database)

  • Tarrant, A.M., A.M. Reitzel, C.K. Kwok, and M.J. Jenny. 2014. Activation of the cnidarian oxidative stress response by ultraviolet light, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and crude oil. Journal of Experimental Biology. doi:10.1242/jeb.093690.

  • Reitzel, A.M., Y.J. Passamaneck, S.I. Karchner, D.G. Franks, M.Q. Martindale, A.M. Tarrant, and M.E. Hahn. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis: comparative expression, protein interactions, and ligand binding. 2014. Development, Genes and Evolution. doi: 10.1007/s00427-013-0458-4.

  • Tarrant, A.M. and A.M. Reitzel. 2013. Introduction to the symposium--keeping time during evolution: conservation and innovation of the circadian clock. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53(1): 89-92.

  • Reitzel, A.M*. , A.M. Tarrant*, and O. Levy. 2013. Circadian clocks in the Cnidaria: Environmental entrainment, molecular regulation, and organismal outputs. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53(1): 118-30.

  • Reitzel, A.M., T. Chu, S. Edquist, C. Genovese, C. Church, A.M. Tarrant, and J.R. Finnerty. 2013. Physiological and developmental responses to temperature by the estuarine sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 484: 115-130.

  • Reitzel, A.M.*, S. Herrera*, M.J. Layden, M.Q. Martindale, and T.M. Shank. 2013. Going where traditional markers have not gone before: utility of and promise for RAD sequencing in marine invertebrate phylogeography and population genomics. Molecular Ecology. 22(11): 2953-70.

  • Schnitzler, C.E., K. Pang, M.L. Powers, A.M. Reitzel, J.F. Ryan, D. Simmons, T. Tada, M. Park, J. Gupta, S.Y. Brooks, R.W. Blakesley, S. Yokoyama, S.H.D. Haddock, M.Q. Martindale and A.D. Baxevanis. 2012. Genomic organization, evolution, and expression of photoprotein and opsin genes in Mnemiopsis leidyi: a new view of ctenophore photocytes. BMC Biology. 10:107.

  • Whalen, K., A.M. Reitzel, and A. Hamdoun. 2012. Actin polymerization controls the activation of multidrug efflux at fertilization by translocation and fine-scale positioning of ABCB1a on microvilli. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 23: 3663-3672.

  • Barzilai, M.G., A.M. Reitzel, J.E.M. Kraus, D. Gordon, U. Technau, M. Gurevitz, and Y. Moran. 2012. Convergent evolution of sodium ion selectivity in metazoan neuronal signaling. Cell Reports. 2: 242- 248.

  • Reitzel, A.M., J.F. Ryan, and A.M. Tarrant. 2012. Establishing a model organism: a report from the first annual Nematostella meeting. BioEssays. 34: 158-161.

  • Arellano, S.M., A.M. Reitzel, and C. Button. 2012. Variation in vertical distribution of sand dollar larvae relative to haloclines, food, and fish cues. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 414-415: 28-37.

  • Reitzel, A.M., K. Pang, J.F. Ryan, J.C. Mullikin, M.Q. Martindale, A.D. Baxevanis, and A.M. Tarrant. 2011. Nuclear receptors from the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi lack a zinc-finger DNA-binding domain: lineage-specific loss or ancestral condition in the emergence of the nuclear receptor superfamily? EvoDevo. 2(1):3.

  • Aruda, A.M., M.F. Baumgartner, A.M. Reitzel, and A.M. Tarrant. 2011. Heat shock protein expression during stress and diapause in the marine copepod Calanusfinmarchicus. Journal of Insect Physiology. 57: 665-675.

  • Reitzel, A.M., L. Behrendt, and A.M. Tarrant. 2010. Light entrained rhythmic gene expression in the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: the evolution of the animal circadian clock. PLoS ONE. 5(9): e12805.

  • Reitzel, A.M. and A.M. Tarrant. 2010. Correlated evolution of androgen receptor and aromatase revisited. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27(10):2211-2215.

  • *Mazza, M.E., K. Pang*, A.M. Reitzel*, M.Q. Martindale, and J.R. Finnerty. 2010. A conserved cluster of three Paired-class homeobox genes (homeobrain, rx, and orthopedia) in the Cnidaria and Protostomia. EvoDevo. 1:3.

  • Reitzel, A.M., J.C. Sullivan, and J.R. Finnerty. 2010. Discovering SNPs in protein coding regions with StellaSNP: illustrating the characterization and geographic distribution of polymorphisms in the estuarine anemone Nematostella vectensis. Estuaries and Coasts. 33: 930-943.

  • Sullivan, J.C., F.S. Wolenski, A.M. Reitzel, C.E. French, T.D. Gilmore, and J.R. Finnerty. 2009. Two alleles encoding transcription factor NF-κB in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis are widely distributed in natural populations and encode proteins with distinct DNA-binding and transactivation activities. PLos ONE. 4(10): e7311.

  • Reitzel, A.M. and A.M. Tarrant. 2009. The nuclear receptor complement of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: phylogenetic identity and developmental expression. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9:230.

  • Darling, J.A., A. Kuenzi, and A.M. Reitzel. 2009. Human mediated transport determines the nonnative distribution of a dispersal limited estuarine invertebrate. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 380: 137- 146.

  • Tarrant, A.M., A.M. Reitzel, C.H. Blomquist, F. Haller, J. Tokarz, and J. Adamski. 2009. Steroid metabolism in cnidarians: insights from Nematostella vectensis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 301: 27-36.

  • Reitzel, A.M., M. Daly, J.C. Sullivan, and J.R. Finnerty. 2009. Comparative anatomy and histology of developmental and parasitic stages in the life history of the lined sea-anemone Edwardsiella lineata. Journal of Parasitology. 95: 100-112.

  • Reitzel, A.M., J.A. Darling, J.C. Sullivan, and J.R. Finnerty. 2008. Global population genetic structure of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: multiple introductions and conservation policy. Biological Invasions. 10: 1197-1213.

  • Moran, Y., H. Weinberger, J.C. Sullivan, A.M. Reitzel, J.R. Finnerty, and M. Gurevitz. 2008. Concerted evolution of sea anemone neurotoxin genes is revealed through analysis of the Nematostella vectensis genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25: 737-747.

  • *Reitzel, A.M., J.C. Sullivan*, N. Traylor-Knowles*, and J.R. Finnerty*. 2008. A genomic survey of chemical and biological stress-response genes of the estuarine anemone Nematostella vectensis. Biological Bulletin. 214: 233-254.

  • Moran, Y., H. Weinberger, A.M. Reitzel, J.C. Sullivan, R. Khan, D. Gordon, J.R. Finnerty, and M. Gurevitz. 2008. Intron retention as a post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism of neurotoxin expression at early life stages of the starlet anemone Nematostella vectensis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 380: 437-443.

  • Sullivan, J.C., D. Sher, M. Eisenstein, K. Shigesada, A.M. Reitzel, H. Marlow, D. Levanon, Y. Groner, J.R. Finnerty, and U. Gat. 2008. The evolutionary origin of the Runx/CBFβ transcription factors and clues to their function – studies of the most basal metazoans. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8: 228.

  • Reitzel, A.M. and A. Heyland. 2007. Reduction in morphological plasticity in echinoid larvae: relationship of plasticity with maternal investment and food availability. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 9: 109-121.

  • Reitzel, A.M., P. Burton, C. Krone, and J.R. Finnerty. 2007. Comparison of developmental trajectories in the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis (Stephenson): embryogenesis, regeneration, and two forms of asexual fission. Invertebrate Biology. 126: 99-112.

  • Sullivan, J.C., A.M. Reitzel, and J.R. Finnerty. 2007. Upgrades to StellaBase facilitate medical and genetic studies on the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. Nucleic Acids Research. 36(Database issue): D607–D611.

  • Reitzel, A.M. and B.G. Miner. 2007. Reduced planktotrophy in larvae of Clypeaster rosaceus (Echinodermata, Echinoidea). Marine Biology. 151: 1525-1534.

  • *Reitzel, A.M., J.C. Sullivan*, B.K. Brown, D.W. Chin, E.K. Cira, S.K. Edquist, B.M. Genco, O.C. Joseph, C.A. Kaufman, K. Kovitvongsa, M.M. Muñoz, T.L. Negri, J.R. Taffel, R.T. Zuehlke, and J.R Finnerty. 2007. Ecological and developmental dynamics of a host-parasite system involving a sea anemone and two ctenophores. Journal of Parasitology. 93(6): 1392-1402.

  • Heyland, A., A.M. Reitzel, D. Price, and L.L. Moroz. 2006. Endogenous thyroid hormone synthesis in facultative planktotrophic larvae of the sand dollar Clypeaster rosaceus: implications for the evolutionary loss of larval feeding. Evolution and Development. 8: 568-579.

  • Sullivan J.C., A.M. Reitzel, and J.R. Finnerty. 2006. A high percentage of introns in human genes were present early in animal evolution: evidence from the basal metazoan Nematostella vectensis. Genome Informatics. 17: 219-229.

  • Darling, J.A., A.M. Reitzel, and J.R. Finnerty. 2006. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the widely introduced estuarine anemone Nematostella vectensis. Molecular Ecology Notes. 6: 803-805.

  • Reitzel, A.M., J.C. Sullivan, and J.R. Finnerty. 2006. Qualitative shift to indirect development in the parasitic sea anemone Edwardsiella lineata. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 46: 827-837.

  • *Bishop, C. et al. (A.M. Reitzel*, 11th of 14 co-authors). 2006. What is metamorphosis? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 46: 655-661.

  • Reitzel, A.M. and B. Chockley. 2005. Influences of habitat distribution and maternal investment on settlement of lecithotrophic larvae: modeling an ecological transition. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 7: 183-201.

  • *Darling, J.A., A.M. Reitzel*, P. Burton, M. Mazza, J. Ryan and J.R. Finnerty. 2005. A starlet in the mud: the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. BioEssays. 27: 211-221.

  • *Heyland, A., J. Hodin*, and A.M. Reitzel*. 2005. Hormone signaling in evolution and development: a non-model systems approach. BioEssays. 26: 1-12.

  • Reitzel, A.M., C.M. Miles, A. Heyland, J.D. Cowart, and L.R. McEdward. 2005. The effect of the facultative feeding period on echinoid larval development and size at metamorphosis: a comparative approach. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 317: 189-201.

  • Heyland, A., A.M. Reitzel, and J. Hodin. 2004. Thyroxine induces facultative feeding in an obligatorily feeding sand dollar larva. Evolution and Development. 6 (6): 382-392.

  • Reitzel, A.M., B.G. Miner, and L.R. McEdward. 2004. Relationships between spawning date and larval development time for benthic marine invertebrates: a modeling approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 280: 13-23.

  • Darling, J.A., A.M. Reitzel, and J.R. Finnerty. 2004. Regional population structure of a widely introduced estuarine invertebrate: Nematostella vectensis Stephenson in New England. Molecular Ecology. 13: 2969-2981.

  • Reitzel, A.M., J. Webb, and S. Arellano. 2004. Growth, development, and condition of larvae of Dendraster excentricus reared on laboratory and natural diets. Journal of Plankton Research. 26: 901-908.

  • Bingham, B.L. and A.M. Reitzel. 2000. Solar damage to the solitary ascidian, Corella inflata. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 80: 515-521.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

  • Reitzel, A.M., D. Stefanik, and J.R. Finnerty. 2011. Asexual reproduction in Cnidaria: comparative developmental processes and candidate mechanisms. In: Mechanisms of Life History Evolution The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs (eds. A. Heyland and T. Flatt). Oxford University Press.

  • Heyland, A., A.M. Reitzel, and S. Degnan. 2011. Emerging patterns in the regulation and evolution of marine invertebrate settlement and metamorphosis. In: Mechanisms of Life History Evolution The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs (eds. A. Heyland and T. Flatt). Oxford University Press.

  • *Howeth, J.G., A.M. Derry*, and A.M. Reitzel*. 2010. Metacommunity biology as an eco-evolutionary framework for understanding exotic invasion in aquatic ecosystems. Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings. Waco, TX: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. p. 93-109.