
09/2020: The Reitzel lab welcomes Sarah Estvander to the lab as a new Masters student. Sarah conducted undergraduate research on genome variation with Dr. Smith and is coming back for more!

08/2020: The Reitzel lab welcomes Dr. Sarah Stellwagen to the lab as a new postdoctoral scholar. Sarah will be using long read sequencing to discover genes in biological adhesives as well as structural variants in genomes. Welcome Sarah!

07/2020: Postdoc Shelcie Menard moves to her new position as a Lecturer at Louisiana Tech University. Congrats Shelcie!

07/2020: Tyler Carrier moves to his new position as a postdoc at GEOMAR with Ute Hentschel. Congrats Tyler!

05/2020: Whitney Leach moves to her new position as a postdoc at Stowers with Matt Gibson. Congrats Whitney!

01/2020: Remi travels to OIST to collaborate with Dr. Nori Satoh's group on comparative genomics. This project was funded by the NSF GROW program. Way to go Remi!

04/ 2019: The Reitzel lab welcomes Dr. Ed Smith to the lab as postdoctoral fellow. Ed will be leading research on adaptation in marine invertebrates in the United States and the Arabian Gulf. Welcome Ed!

01/2019: The Reitzel lab presents 4 posters and 2 oral presentations at the 2019 SICB Conference in Tampa.

01/2019: Very happy to welcome Quinton Krueger to the Reitzel lab as a PhD student!

11/2018: Whitney travels to Paris for 3 weeks to conduct collaborative research with Dr. Heather Marlow at the Institut Pasteur.

09/2018: Postdoc Jason Macrander moves to his new position as an Assistant Professor at Florida Southern University. Congrats Jason!

07/2018: The Reitzel lab welcome Dr. Shelcie Menard as a postdoctoral fellow to the lab!!

07/2018: PhD student Tyler Carrier is off to study echinoderm larvae in Sweden with Sam Dupont. Happy culturing!

04/2018: Devin awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!!! Awesome job! See story by the university here!

02/2018: Jason researching and conducting a workshop with Sergio Stampar in Brazil!! This collaboration was funded by a SPRINT award from UNC Charlotte for building research partnerships with UNC Charlotte and Sao Paulo researchers. Go cerianthids!!

01/2018: The Reitzel lab presents six talks/posters at SICB 2018!

02/2018: Tyler is off to conduct research at the University of Sydney with Dr. Maria Byrne with funding provided by the NSF GROW opportunity!

11/2017: Remi and Reitzel present at the NYU-AD symposium on Systems Biology!

10/2017: The Reitzel lab welcomes Sergio Stampar to UNC Charlotte to talk cerianthids!

6/2017: Tyler is at the Duke Marine Laboratory to conduct research funded by North Carolina Sea Grant to study microbes and sea urchin larvae.

4/2017: Remi awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations and well deserved!!!

1/2017: Remi Ketchum joins the Reitzel lab as a PhD student! Remi completed her undergraduate degree at NYU-AD. Welcome Remi!

8/2016: We say a big thank you to our two wonderful undergraduates from the summer. Abby Perkins (Purdue Univ, REU Fellow) and Victoria Sutherland (UNCC, Charlotte Research Scholar) were wonderful members of the Reitzel lab. Go science!!

7/2016: Together with Kevin Pang (Sars) and Mark Martindale (Whitney Lab, University of Florida), Reitzel publishes paper on ctenophore development in EvoDevo. Check it out!

5/2016: Tyler is off for a summer of larval culturing and other adventures at Friday Harbor Marine Labs in Washington State. Happy culturing Tyler!!!

4/2016: Reitzel collaborates with Amro Hamdoun's lab at Scripps on publication in American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. Check it out!

4/2016: Tyler, Vanna, and Whitney attend the North Carolina Sea Grant symposium on Graduate Training. See program here. On top of diverse training and informational sessions, all participating students presented aspects of their research in a poster session. Tyler won 2nd place! Great work!

4/2016: Vanna, Whitney and Tyler present research at the 2016 Graduate Research Symposium at UNC Charlotte. Showcasing the wonders of marine invertebrates!

4/2016: Congratulations to Tyler on receiving the Wayland H. Cato Jr. First-Year Doctoral Fellowship!! This award is among the most prestigious awards offered to graduate students by UNC Charlotte. Great work Tyler!

4/2016: Whitney, Vanna, and Reitzel present research at the 2016 meeting for the Association of Southeastern Biologists! UNC Charlotte was a Featured Institution for this conference hosting more than 500 student researchers, faculty, and educators focused on the biology of the southeastern United States.

3/2016: A huge congratulations to Tyler Carrier for receiving a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Awesome work Tyler!!!

3/2016: New paper with Yehu Moran on Ecological Venomics published in Journal of Proteomics. Check it out!

3/2016: The Reitzel lab in collaboration with Sebastian Fraune (Kiel University) and Sylvain Foret (Australian National University) are awarded a grant from Human Frontiers in Science Program!

2/2016: Tyler and Reitzel are awarded a North Carolina SeaGrant grant to study sea urchin larvae!

2/2016: Reitzel presents at Davidson College. Great students and faculty. Thanks for the invitation Barbara!

1/2016: New paper on circadian regulation of metabolism published with Amy Maas and Ann Tarrant. Check it out!

1/2016: Congratulations to Tyler as a recipient of a Sigma Xi grant!

1/2016: Eric, Vanna, and Tyler present research at the 2016 SICB Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Great work representing the Reitzel lab and UNC Charlotte!

11/2015: Reitzel presents at University of Alabama. Had a great time! Thanks for the invitation Matt!

11/2015: Tyler's art is proudly displayed at the Atkins Library here at UNC Charlotte. Bring the wonder of marine invertebrate development to the masses! Excellent! Tyler's images were part of a larger exhibit of 'science art' organized by Melanie Sorrell.

10/2015: Blessing Alagba is awarded 1st place at the NC-LSAMP meeting at UNC Pembroke. Blessing presented her research on the toxicity and Nematostella development. Great work Blessing!!

10/2015: Reitzel presents at UNC Asheville. Thanks for the invitation Becca!

08/2015: Whitney Leach and Tyler Carrier join the lab as new graduate students! Welcome to the lab/department/university!

07/2015: Reitzel co-authors a publication in Environmental Microbiology led by colleagues from Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel in Kiel, Germany on factors influencing the bacterial colonization of Nematostella. Check it out!

07/2015: Eric and Vanna presented their research at the

3rd Annual North Carolina BioSciences Collaborative (BioCoRE) symposium held at Duke University. Great work representing Charlotte!

07/2015: Ian and Reitzel interviewed for the Live Wire on Ian's restoration project on campus. Here's the interview!

06/2015: Former MS student Haley Pillars on the news for her education program at the Earl Scruggs Center! Go Haley! Check out the story!

05/2015: Congratulations to Joyah Watkins (undergraduate volunteer in Reitzel lab) for her selection as an IDEA student fellow to conduct summer research with Dr. Karl Castillo's group at UNC Chapel Hill. Great work!

05/2015: Eric, Vanna, and Reitzel publish a paper on Dmrt genes in Nematostella. This work was a collaboration with Nikki Traylor-Knowles (Hopkins Marine Lab) and John Finnerty (Boston University). Check it out!

04/2015: Congratulations to Vanna (1st place) and Eric (3rd place) for

their oral presentations at the UNC Charlotte Graduate Research Symposium. Nice work!!!!

03/2015: Congratulations to incoming Masters student Tyler Carrier on his award of Exceptional Masters Student award for the 2015-2016 academic year!

03/2015: Congratulations to Ian (undergraduate researcher in our lab) for his award from the Charlotte Green Initiative to complete a habitat restoration project on campus! Ian has designed a grassland restoration at Lot 27 to transform this space into a diverse habitat composed of a variety of native grasses and shrubs to attract native pollinators. This will also serve as an educational 'tool' for future student researchers! Congrats Ian!

03/2015: Congratulations to Vanna on receiving the prestigious Cato Award for the 2015-2016 academic year. Way to go Vanna!

01/2015: Vanna and Reitzel present oral presentations at the annual SICB meeting in West Palm Beach, FL.

01/2015: The Reitzel lab welcomes our new undergraduate researchers for the spring semester. Welcome Adam, Akshar, Andrew, Colin, Ian, and Joyah! Look forward to a semester of uncovering the developmental 'secrets' of Nematostella.

10/2014: Reitzel on the road to collect Nematostella. Let the hunt begin!

08/2014: Reitzel publishes paper in EvoDevo with Rafa Peres, Mark Martindale, and others on the expression of melatonin in Nematostella. Check it out.

08/2014: The Reitzel lab welcomes Vanna as an official graduate student! Vanna was an undergraduate researcher and will now begin her Masters research.

Summer/2014: We had a great summer of undergraduate research projects with Makenna and Lauren (see below) and Madeline, all from Mitchell Community College. Their research tested for the functional consequences of novel morphologies using Nematostella as an experimental model. We were also fortunate to invite Derrick Grunwald (UC Berkeley) to the lab where he generated exceptional molecular data for the phylogeography of daddy longlegs.

05/2014: Vanna, Eric, and Reitzel attend the Evolution of the First Nervous Systems II conference at the Whitney Lab. An excellent conference!

5/2014: The Reitzel lab is thrilled to welcome Makenna and Lauren to conduct summer research! Both are students from Mitchell Community College located in Statesville, NC. Lauren and Makenna will be using their newly learned skills in PCR and gel analysis to collaborate on a project with Dr. Ron Clouse (UNCC, Bioinformatics) to look at biogeography of species in the Order Ophiliones (aka daddy longlegs). 04/2014: Congratulations to Ellen (1st place) and Vanna (Honorable Mention) for their research talks at the Undergraduate Research Conference! Excellent job!

02/11/2014: Paper published in Journal of Experimental Biology with coauthors Dr. Ann Tarrant (WHOI) and Dr. Matt Jenny (U. Alabama) on oxidative stress in Nematostella. Check it out!

02/01/2014: Haley Pillars joins the Reitzel lab as a Masters student. Haley is interested in developing educational resources and activities for undergraduate courses here at UNCC and in collaboration with Mr. Parks Collins at Mitchell Community College. Welcome Haley!

01/29/2014: Paper published in BMC Genomics on the production and annotation of a reference transcriptome for the lined sea anemone Edwardsiella lineata. This project was a collaboration with the John Finnerty's lab at Boston University. Check it out.

01/15/2014: Cristy Lane joins the Reitzel lab as a Masters student. Cristy will be studying microbe-anemone interactions using Nematostella as an experimental model. Welcome Cristy!

01/07/2014: Reitzel, Ellen, and Eric attend the annual meeting for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Austin, TX to present their research projects.

01/03/2014: Paper published in BMC Evolutionary Biology on the genetic diversity of AHR loci in the the Atlantic killifish Fundulus heteroclitus. This project was a collaboration with Mark Hahn's lab at WHOI and Diane Nacci's lab at EPA. Check it out.

12/04/2013: Reitzel paper with colleagues from WHOI and the Whitney Lab on the expression and potential functions of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor is published in Development, Genes, and Evolution. Check it out.

12/02/2013: Reitzel presents two papers at the International Conference of Coelenterate Biology held in Eilat, Israel.

09/02/2013: Vanna Sombatsaphay (UNCC) joins the Reitzel lab as an undergraduate researcher. Vanna is studying the amazing physiological tolerance of Nematostella to abiotic stressors. Welcome Vanna!

08/16/2013: Ellen joins the Reitzel lab as a Honors student. Ellen completed a summer research project over the summer and will continue her research as part of the UNCC Honors program for undergraduate research.

07/07/2013: Reitzel presents a paper at the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution meeting in Chicago, IL.

06/14/2013: Reitzel and Eric visit the Martindale lab at the Whitney lab in Florida to microinject Nematostella and present a seminar. Thanks Mark!

05/30/2013: Ella Wickliff has joined the lab for the summer. She is co-advised by Dr. Inna Sokolova (Biology, UNCC).

05/30/2013: Ellen Humbel has joined the lab for summer research on Nematostella!

05/25/2013: Reitzel paper with Dr. Ann Tarrant summarizing the SICB circadian symposium is published. Check it out.

04/25/2013: Reitzel and colleagues from WHOI and Bar Ilan University publish a paper on cnidarian circadian clocks, with a focus on a new loop in Nematostella. Check it out.

04/09/2013: Reitzel presents a seminar at Duke University.

03/21/2013: Reitzel presents a seminar at East Carolina University.

01/05/2013: Co-organized a symposium on the evolution and function of the circadian clock at the 2013 Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting in San Francisco, CA. The title of the symposium is: "Keeping Time During Animal Evolution: Conservation and Innovation of the Circadian Clock." Here is a link to the excellent talks presented.

12/21/2012: A collaborative study on ctenophore photoreceptors and opsins done with collaborators from NHGRI, University of Hawaii, MBARI, and SARS was published in BMC Biology. Check it out.

11/15/2012: Eric Kane has joined the lab as a PhD student!

10/30/2012: A collaborative study on sodium channel selectivity in Nematostella done with collaborators from University of Vienna and Tel-Aviv University was published in Cell Reports. Check it out.

10/12/2012: The Reitzel lab is open at UNC Charlotte. I have made the move from my postdoctoral position at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where I worked with Dr. Ann Tarrant and Dr. Mark Hahn.