BioAnalytical Side

Our research focuses on exploiting microfabrication to miniaturize chemical and biochemical analysis technologies. Using microfluidic of channels on glass devices, we have created networks for primarily electrophoresis-based separations for genotyping and sequencing of DNA. However the recent work of the group focuses on bioanalytical detection of chemicals and molecules. Using integrated fluid handling and actuation in combination with various external/internal detection systems we are able to minimize the whole system to a hand held tabletop device suitable for terrestrial and space applications.

Microfluidic Instruments Searching for Biomarkers in our Solar System

Searching for signs of life elsewhere in our solar system is an exciting project that may answer the age old question: Are we alone in the Universe? For the past 20 years we have worked on the development of powerful microfluidic chemical analyzers that can detect even trace amounts of key biomarker compounds such as amino acids. See More recently we have received NASA funding to develop two instruments for searching for signs of life at the icy moons Enceladus and Europa. The Enceladus Organic Analyzer or EOA will search for signs of life by flying through the ice particle plumes that jet out from the Enceladus surface and analyze the captured material for amines, amino acids, carboxylic acids etc. Microfabricated Organic Analzyzer for Biosignatures or MOAB is being developed for placement in a Europa Lander that will sample icy residues from the Europa surface and analyze for biomarker compounds. This joint project is carried out in close cooperation with Dr. Anna Butterworth at the UC Berkeley Spaces Sciences Laboratory. For more details see


The aim of this project is the integration of a human synovial organ model into a multifunctional lab-on-a-chip to elucidate how systemic stress factors impart architectural remodeling of the synovial tissue. We hypothesize that the reorganization of the synovium that takes place in arthritis is intimately linked to altered tissue functions in support of the perpetuation of inflammation as well as joint destruction. To date no work has systematically addressed the interdependence between tissue reorganization and tissue function. The successful cultivation of a complex living system in a microanalytical analysis platform would therefore yield substantial insights into rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis and open new avenues for exploring the mechanisms of inflammation-induced tissue fibrosis and organ failure. This joint research project is carried out in cooperation with Prof. Hans Kiener (Medical University Vienna) and Peter Ertl (University of Vienna). This project is funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) .

Pathogen detection

Detecting and identifying viruses rapidly and quantitatively is essential for dealing with threats such as epidemic outbreaks and hostile acts using pathogens as biological weapons. Hence this project aims to develop a hybrid, integrated molecular analysis system (HIMAS) that is suitable for the detection of hemorrhagic fever including Ebola. The goal is to combine programmable microfluidics and anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide (ARROW) as a single optofluidics platform for sample processing and amplification-free detection. It would public health in numerous ways, including screening for outbreaks of biodefense and emerging pathogens, rapid decision making in patient diagnosis, or continuing viral load monitoring for disease management. This joint project is carried out in cooperation with Professor Ke Du at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester.