Punting on the Cam

The Widdington BBQ Club
Another f
un day out punting on the Cam

We left sunny Widdington around 12 midday and arrived in Cambridge about an hour later.
We made our way to the chosen picnic site which turned out to be some field in the
middle of nowhere as the heavens opened up.
Not to be put off we huddled together under a tree and with smiles on our faces we stared to open
our picnic baskets. After passing around the sarnies it wasn’t long before the champagne corks were popping
and I must say we were all in a very jolly mode
After lunch we hired three punts for a couple of hours on the river Cam
please see the attached photos

No prizes for guessing who fell in

What an oarsman

No prizes for guessing who fell in.....a,,,,,,,,,, Kev