Meersburg Germany 2008

Our Hotel Room

Hotel „ 3 Stuben“ Kirchstrasse 7 D 88709 Meersburg Germany

Looking around Meersburg,Saturday morning

Meersburg is on Lake Constance "Bodensee"

Saturday afternoon Nipped over to St Gallen, Switzerland, for a little shopping

High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

The town of Meersburg

was originally built up around this old castle that overlooks the lake.

It was built around 628 by the king of the Franks.

Construction Theories There are two theories about the construction of the Meersburg castle. The first is that the Merovingian king Dagobert I, built the Dagobertturms (Dagobert's Tower), the central keep of the Meersburg, in 630. The second theory is that the castle was built in the early 12th Century, and based on the name of the tower an association with the earlier merovingian king was created. It is based on the observation that in the Lake Constance region there are no records of any castles being founded in the 7th Century, but in the 12th Century to early 13th Century many castles were built in the region.The Merdesburch Castle was first mentioned in 1113, which implies a construction date before the early 12th Century.

knight and their medieval helmets