Dr. Rebecca Blanton Johansen
Professor of Biology, Austin Peay State University
Principal Investigator, Center of Excellence for Field Biology
Curator of Fishes, David Snyder Museum of Zoology
Voicemail: 931-221-7774
E-mail: johansenr@apsu.edu
General Research Interests: Biogeography, evolution, and conservation of freshwater fishes and crayfishes
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Florida Museum of Natural History, 2007-2009
Ph.D. Evolution, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University, 2007
M.S. Biology, Eastern Kentucky University, 2001
B.S. Biology Eastern Kentucky University, 1998
APSU Courses Taught: Zoology (BIOL 3060/3061), Ichthyology (4550/4551, 5550/5551), Contemporary Issues (BIOL 5735), Independent Research (BIOL 4500/5500); Special Topics (BIOL 4700/5700); Thesis (BIOL 5990), Principles of Biology 2 (BIOL 1120/1121)