The Freedom Trail

A 64 mile Walk through History

For a interactive map of the full route visit MapMyWalk

Section Distance / miles    Maps

1.  Wraysbury Station to Datchet Station 13.15 Map 1

2.  Datchet Station to Windsor & Eton Riverside 14.75 Map 2

3.  Windsor & Eton Riverside to Englefield Green             11.45          Map 3

4.  Englefield Green      to            Walton-on-Thames                    13.35          Map 4    

5.  Walton-on-Thames                      to            Hampton Court Palace             11.1             Map 5

During 2015 we celebrated 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta. This unique document was sealed by King John at a Thames side meadow named Runnymede on 12th June 1215. He didn't really have much choice, and it was the first time subjects of the monarchy really stood up to question the divine rights and privileges of the Crown. Unknown to everyone who were present on that day, this document would have a major affect on the world for centuries to come and even to this day.

Magna Carta is not the only significant birthday we celebrated in 2015. Others included: 1,000 years since the Viking invasion of England by King Cnut; 500 years since Cardinal Wolesey built Hampton Court Palace; 200 years since the Battle of Waterloo; 75 years since The Battle of Britain; 70 years since the end of World War II  and 50 years since Julie Andrews starred as Maria Van Trapp in musical “The Sound of Music”, to say but a few.

The Magna Carta Memorial, Runnymede

The Freedom Trail is a long distance path, designed to link places associated with these and other events in our history, and how they would form a blue-print for the world we know today. I'm not really an historian or a walker, but through a few other projects I have been involved with, I thought this would be something interesting to do.

The path is 64 miles long. We start at Wraysbury in Berkshire and proceeds through: the National Trust estate at Ankerwycke; the Roman town of Ad Pontes (now Staines upon Thames) where we join the Thames Path; the broad riverside meadow at Runnymede; the historical riverside towns of Old Windsor, Datchet and Eton; along the Jubilee River to Maidenhead; along the Thames Path, past Eton Dorney and Boveney; through Windsor and its Great Park; Englefield Green; we take in the memorials at Cooper's Hill and Runnymede; through historical Egham; along the Thames through Laleham, Chertsey, Shepperton, Walton and Molesey; through Hampton Village; a historical loop through the vast expanses of Bushy Park; the Royal Kingston-upon-Thames and back upstream to finish at Hampton Court Palace.

Blue Royal Mail Box, Windsor 

The path is divided into 5 sections varying from 11.1 to 14.75 miles. The route instructions can be printed off as a whole or as an addition to each section.

At some places along the path there are small diversions, away from the main route, to visit places I believe to be relevant. I have included these as options and give instructions and maps, but it is your choice if you decide to use them or not.

Overall, the route is mainly flat and easy underfoot. Though in some places, especially the second visit to Runnymede and the descent of Coopers Hill, take great care when wet. Ensure at all times you put your own and others safety first. Study the weather forecast and dress appropriately, yet always be prepared for any circumstances. Let friends and family know what you are doing and stay in contact with them for updates on your progress. If by chance you pass through a field with animals (I didn't come across any), then avoid walking between livestock and their young. These are only a few safety points, but I recommend you read the Countryside Code for ramblers at GOV.UK website

I have enjoyed working on this project and really hope you enjoy what I have put together here. If you do get a chance to walk all or just some of the path, I would appreciate any feedback.

In 2020, during Covid-19 lockdown, I decided to update this website. In doing so I added many extra photos, links and videos. The reason being is that people can hopefully enjoy this trail even if they don't get the opportunity to walk it themselves.

To get you in the mood for things you'll possibly see and experience along the way, below are four short videos.

One final thing, and I did realise this after I decided to give the path a name. It seems a bit ironic that when shortening the name it reads The FT – anyway c'est la vie.

If you find any broken links or wish to contact me on anything about this walk, you can do at 

© Sean Davis 2015 - 2023