Our Staff


Education and training. Prof. Sandro Cosconati received his Masters Degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies "summa cum laude" at the University of Naples “Federico II”. In December, 2006 he received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. In 2007 he was Research Associate at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA Prof. Dr. A. J. Olson Laboratory. In 2011 Dr. Cosconati moved to the DiSTABiF Department of University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta, Italy to become Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and in 2017 he was appointed Associate Professor. From September 2015 he is member of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the biotech company Abilita Bio Inc, San Diego, CA-92121, USA. Awards and Honors. In September 2013 he has been awarded “Best Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry” by the Italian Chemical Society (Farmindustria Prize).


(Associate Professor)

Education and training. Dr. Salvatore di Maro received his Master's Degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies "summa cum laude" at the University of Naples “Federico II”. In December 2008 he received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry with a thesis entitled "Efficient Solid-Phase Synthesis of FK228 Analogues as Potent  Antitumoral Agents" University of Naples “Federico II”. In 2006 he  was Research Associate at The University of Texas at Dallas Research  Institute, Richardson, TX, USA Prof. Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn Laboratory. In 2009 he received a postdoctoral fellowship by the STRAIN project of the Regione Campania. In July 2019 he has been awarded “Best Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry” by the Italian Chemical Society. Check PubMed for his publications.

Since 2015 Dr. Di Maro is the co-PI of the LAB!

Email: salvatore.dimaro@unicampania.it


(Assistant Professor Starting Sep 2019)

Education and training. Dr. Stefano Tomassi graduated in 2009 in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies “summa cum laude” at the “Sapienza” University of Rome. In May 2014 he received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry writing on a thesis entitled “Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of small molecules as modulators of histone methyltransferases and demethylases” University of Naples “Federico II”. In June 2014 he got a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the TU Dortmund, Germany, in Prof. D. Rauh Laboratory. Since March 2016 Dr. Tomassi is a Research Associate at the DiSTABiF Department of SUN, Caserta, Italy. Check PubMed for his publications.

Email: stefa.tomassi@gmail.com


(PostDoctoral Fellow)

Education and training. Giorgio Amendola graduated in 2016 in in Pharmacy at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. In November 2016 he entered the entered the PhD program in Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. In July 2017: visiting fellow at the Biomedical Research Foundation - Academy of Athens in the Drug Discovery Laboratory of Professor Zoe Cournia to study FEP methodologies. In 2018 he was visiting PhD student at Yale University in the Jorgensen's laboratory. In December 2019 he successfully defended his PhD and in in the same period he was recipient of the prestigious AIRC-FIRC fellowship which will start in April 2020.  His main interests reside in the application of advanced docking and MD simulations to design polypharmacological compounds as anticancer agents.  Check PubMed for his publications.

Email: giorgio.amendola@unicampania.it

Rahul Ravichandran

(Doctoral Fellow)


Education and training: Rahul Ravichandran received his Bachelor’s Degree in Bioinformatics from D.Y.Patil University, India in 2016. He is an UnderGraduate-Bioinformatics Research Intern from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai. He attained his Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics in 2018 at SASTRA University, India. He is a Graduate-Bioinformatics Research Intern from University of Malaya, Malaysia. In January 2020, he entered the PhD program in Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. He is a Student Member of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR) and also a Permanent Member in Society for Neutraceuticals and Chronic Diseases. His main interests reside in the application of advanced structure-based methods in drug design. Check PubMed for his publications. 


Email: rahul.ravichandran@unicampania.it