Diagnostic and Molecular Histopathology Facility (DMHF)

Diagnostic and Molecular Histopathology Facility (DMHF) was initially set up within the NCMHD Research Center of Excellence at NCCU, to meet the increasing need for histopathological assessments in health disparities research. Realizing more and more emphasis has been placed on in vivo data and tissue imaging in recent years, we believe such a facility with up-to-date histopathological equipment and expertise is essential for both maintenance and expansion of health disparities research activities at NCCU.


1) Establish and maintain a diagnostic and molecular histopathology laboratory;

2) Provide histopathological service to research projects in this grant proposal and other health disparities studies;

3) Support publications and grant applications when relevant techniques are needed; and

4) Train students, postdocs and technical staff members to use histopathological techniques for both research and educational purposes


1) Leica RM2135 Microtome

2) HM 505E Microm Cryomicrotome,

3) ThermoShandon Cytospin 4 centrifuge

4) TP1020 Tissue Processor

5) Leica EG1150H Paraffin Embedding Station

6) Leica XL Auto-stainer

7) Light Microscope with digital imaging system (Zeiss and Nikon)

8) Fluorescence Microscope (Nikon, Zeiss, Keyence)

9) Confocal Microscope (Zeiss LSM510)

10) Real-time PCR system (Applied Biosystems 7900HT)

11) Complete set-up for histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.

12) Mantra quantitative multiplex IHC (Akoya)

13) Elim-3000 Autostainer (Microdysis)

Technical services

1) Tissue embedding and processing

2) Paraffin and frozen tissue sectioning

3) Histochemical staining

4) Immunohistochemical staining

5) in situ hybridization

6) Histopathological diagnosis and report

7) Histopathological image processing (fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy)

8) Semi-quantitative histopathological analysis

9) Real-time PCR