Welcome to Chen Lab @NCCU

We work on the biology of the esophagus using mice, rats, zebrafish, pigs, human tissue samples, human cell lines. 

We are physically located at the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical Biotechnology Research Institute, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC. We are also associated with the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology & Disease, Center for Esophageal Disease and Swallowing, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, @ UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.

Member, Pathology & Translational Science program, BBSP, UNC-Chapel Hill https://bbsp.unc.edu/phd-programs/pathobiology-translational-science/ 

Member, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center: http://unclineberger.org/members/luke-chen

Member, Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing: http://www.med.unc.edu/cedas/staff

Member, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology & Disease: https://www.med.unc.edu/cgibd

Adjunct Professor, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill

President (2017-2019), OESO (World Organization for Specialized Studies on Diseases of the Esophagus, http://oeso.org/)

Durham is a part of the Research Triangle area of North Carolina where biomedical research is a big thing. We collaborate with other labs at UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke University, NC State University, EPA, NIEHS, etc.

Xiaoxin Luke Chen, MD, PhD

Glaxo Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Sciences


1994–1999 PhD, Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Rutgers University, New Jersey

1985–1991 Bachelor of Medicine (MD equivalent), School of Medicine, Peking University Health Sciences Center (formerly Beijing Medical University), Beijing, P.R. China

1982–1985 Gaoyou High School, Gaoyou County, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China


1999–2000 Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemical Biology, College of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, New Jersey

1991–1994 Resident Orthopedic Surgeon & Research Assistant, Arthritis Clinic & Research Center, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, P.R. China