La parte del passato edifitio

Antonio Labacco, Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente a l'architettvra nel qval si figvrano alcvne notabili antiqvita di Roma (Rome 1552), pp. 9-10

In these two facing pages, Labacco presents us several views and details of the exterior colonnade of the Temple of Mars Ultor (identified by him as the Temple of Trajan). These images demonstrate his practical approach to the study of antiquity. Labacco was not only interested in recording information, but also in applying the principles of Roman architecture to contemporary building practices. Notice, for instance, how he focuses on specific decorative details and carefully records various measurements. On the page on the right, Labacco presents us with a lateral view of the temple's entablature and a detailed rendition of the soffit decoration. The soffit is frontally displayed toward the viewer, as if Labacco had turned the monument on its side to reveal the complexity of its design.