
2018 Alps trek with my grandson, Keaton.

Reflections from the Past

2003 I had the opportunity to make my initial hiking and climbing trip to the Alps. Over a 5-week time frame my local hiking partner (Dwayne) and I were able to scope out the Alps in Austria, SW Germany, and Switzerland. Along the way we met a local hiker, Frank Mazer, who shared some of his favorite hikes and trekked with us for several days.

2007 With my local running buddies: Steve Smith, Lee Fields, and Stu Templeman.

2009 2014, and Frank and I still keep in touch: .

2011 was a special trip with my local friends Steve Smith, Lee Fields and Frank Lulich. We combined the most memorable hikes of previous trips, plus threw in some new ones that looked intriguing (the Dolomites, Italy).

2013 included trekking with a new friend and a previous acquaintance I met on the trails in Switzerland in 2011. Mike Costa (local) has a passion for wilderness trekking, including numerous solo trips in the Sierra's. Ian Frasier is a professor/dept-chair at the University of Stirling in Scotland.

2014 Trekking the Alps with my SON !!! Austria, Switzerland, The Dolomites

2016 Trekking the Alps (pics) with my Grandson (Keaton) !!! Austria, the Dolomites, Bavaria (SW Germany)

Technology: I'm taking my iPhone for pics, video, FB, email, etc. Will edit images and upload directly to Picasa/Google+ Albums when WiFi is available. I'll also be using Facetime and Google Hangouts to chat with my wife and friends back home.h

my wife, son and family.

Europe is 9 hours ahead --- so by end of each day of hiking, you'll just be awaking.

Looking back to 2014 in a pinch --- Fun video clip of our trek through the Val Minger in the Swiss National Park (racing a flash flood).