TclTk sample gui program

Here's an embarassingly simple tcl/tk program to demonstrate the simplest of gui applications.

The program will display a window/frame containing 3 buttons, placed side by side, expanded to fit the available space in the frame. Each button is mapped to perform a task, such as "ssh localhost", or "ssh remotehost".

You can edit and add more buttons and tasks.

You'll need packages tcl and tk in order to run this. (apt-get install -y tcl tk)

Posted this for Ben. See it's really not that hard to build a GUI application! ;-)

Here's the code:


# vi:set nu ai ap smd showmatch tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:

# Name: cygterms

# Author: Tom Sandholm

# Version: 1.0

# Date: Fri Jan 5 09:47:47 EST 2007

# Summary: simple gui application to open ssh sessions to

# remote systems.

# pickup the DISPLAY variable

# NOTE: this is only declared if cygwin startxwin has been run

# (X is running).

global D

set D $env(DISPLAY)



# function to create a button

proc NewButton {Label UserName HostName} {


global D

# chop out the username & hostname from the button label


set tmp [split "$Label" "\n"]

set user [lindex $tmp 0]

set rhost [lindex $tmp 1]

button .b${BUTTON_NUMBER} \

-text "$Label" \

-command "exec xterm -title \"${user}_${rhost}\" \

-n \"${user}_${rhost}\" -display $D -sb -fn 7x14 \

-e ssh -Y ${UserName}@${HostName} &"

pack .b${BUTTON_NUMBER} -expand true -fill both -side left



proc RemoteTop {Label UserName HostName} {


global D

set tmp [split "$Label" "\n"]

set user [lindex $tmp 0]

set rhost [lindex $tmp 1]

button .c${BUTTON_NUMBER} \

-text "$Label" \

-command "exec xterm -title \"${user}_${rhost}\" \

-n \"${user}_${rhost}\" -display $D -sb -fn 7x14 \

-e top &"

pack .c${BUTTON_NUMBER} -expand true -fill both -side left



# local windows (xterms)

# these lines create some local buttons; different colors...

button .d -text "local\nblack" -command "exec xterm -title \"local_black\" -n \"local_black\" -display $D -sb -fn 7x14 &"

pack .d -expand true -fill both -side left

# remote xterms

# NOTE: First argument is the button label.

# Label is to be formatted as "username\nhostname",

# with a "\n" separating the username from hostname".

# 2nd arg is the username to perform the ssh as.

# 3rd arg is the remote hostname.

# syntax: NewButton "label" "username" "hostname"

NewButton "linux-tee\nxterm" "sandholm" "linux-tee"

RemoteTop "linux-tee\ntop" "sandholm" "linux-tee"