Ansible - Gluster Server Setup

Sun May 10 09:12:19 EDT 2015

Here's a simple playbook (base-gluster.yml) created to install glusterfs-server & glusterfs-client on machines in the hosts (/etc/ansible/hosts) file under group "[clients]"

Each VM is:

1GB ram, 1 cpu, 8GB /dev/vda (root), 8GB /dev/vdb (pvm, for vg01), 1 nic, Ubuntu 14.04, x86_64

Ran on OpenSuse 13.1, under KVM.


# base-gluster.yml

# by Tom Sandholm

# NOTE: configured for Ubuntu 14.04 distribution...

# NOTE: root public keys shared on all hosts, ssh_config: (Strict is off), sshd_config (PermitRoot is yes)

# SUMMARY: ansible playbook to create glusterfs server on all named hosts in "clients" group

# Tasks:

# 1. install gluster server & client

# 2. create volume group "vg01" from /dev/vdb

# 3. create lvm "global" from vg01

# 4. configure gluster peers

# 5. create gluster volume "global", replica count based on # of [clients] in hosts

# 6. update fstab, noauto on mount due to race issues

# 7. update rc.local to pend on mount of "/usr/global" (via gluster)


# NOTE: stole some code from here:



# NOTE: Inventory File (/etc/ansible/hosts):

# [clients]






- hosts: clients


- name: install glusterfs-server

apt: name=glusterfs-server update_cache=yes state=installed

- name: install glusterfs-client

apt: name=glusterfs-client update_cache=yes state=installed

- name: create vg01

lvg: vg=vg01 pvs=/dev/vdb

- name: create lvm global

lvol: vg=vg01 lv=global size=2g

- name: create filesystem on global

filesystem: fstype=ext4 dev=/dev/mapper/vg01-global

- name: mount global

mount: name=/share/global src=/dev/mapper/vg01-global fstype=ext4 passno=1 state=mounted

- name: configure gluster peers (on first host)

shell: gluster peer probe {{item}}

with_items: groups.clients

when: inventory_hostname == groups.clients[0]


- gluster

- name: build brick list

shell: echo {{groups.clients|join(',')}} | sed "s%,%:/share/global/brick %g; s%$%:/share/global/brick%"

register: gluster_bricks

connection: local

sudo: false


- gluster

- name: build replica count

shell: echo {{groups.clients | length}}

register: replica_count

connection: local

sudo: false


- gluster

# I really hate doing this. Ran into problems with clients not responding during volume create.

# guess it's load & timing problems...grrr

- name: pause for clients to catch up

pause: seconds=30

- name: create global volume

shell: gluster volume info global || gluster volume create global replica {{ replica_count.stdout }} transport tcp {{ gluster_bricks.stdout }}

when: inventory_hostname == groups.clients[0]


- gluster

- name: start global volume

shell: 'gluster volume info global | grep "Status: Started" || gluster volume start global'

when: inventory_hostname == groups.clients[0]


- gluster

- name: create global directory

file: name=/usr/global state=directory

- name: configure global mount

mount: name=/usr/global src=localhost:/global fstype=glusterfs passno=0 opts=noauto,defaults state=present

- name: update rc.local

copy: src=files/rc.local dest=/etc/rc.local owner=root group=root mode=0755

- name: reboot nodes

shell: reboot