Tetsuya Hiraiwa

(You can also access our group's website, Theoretical Physical Biology Group

where you can find more info about the group members' works too.)

Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Ph.D (平岩 徹也)

Associate Research Fellow (~associate professor level of universities), Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica 

PI of Theoretical Physical Biology Grouphttps://theorphysbiolgroup.wixsite.com/oursite

participating in PALM (Physics of Active and Living Matters) section https://sites.google.com/view/pabsiopas

E-mail : thiraiwa[at]gate.sinica.edu.tw

Personal Twitter account : @HiraiwaTetsuya 

Lab Twitter account : @tpbghl

PALM labs' Twitter account : @palmiopas


2 June  2024. (Publications) Prprint information has been added:

B. H. Lee*, K. Fuji, H. Petzold, P. A. Seymour, S. Yennek, C. Schewin, A. Lewis, D. Riveline, T. Hiraiwa, M. Sano,  A. Grapin-Botton*:  Control of lumen geormetry and topology by cell proliferation rate and pressure. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.29.596462v1

2 June  2024. (Publications) Publication information has been updated:

M. Mukenhirn, C.-H. Wang, T. Guyomar, M. J. Bovyn, M. F. Staddon, R. Maraspini, L. Lu, C. Martin-Lemaitre, M. Sano, T. Hiraiwa, D. Riveline*, A. Honigmann*:  Tight junctions regulate lumen morphology via hydrostatic pressure and junctional tension. Accepted in Developmental Cell. (Preprint can be found at www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.23.541893v1 )

1 Apr 2024. (Publications) Preprint information has been updated:

L. Lu#, K. Fuji#, T. Guyomar, M. Lieb, S. Tanida, M. Nonomura, T. Hiraiwa, Y. Alcheikh, S. Yennek, H. Petzold, C. Martin-Lemaitre, A. Grapin-Botton, A. Honigmann, M. Sano, D. Riveline*: Generic rules of lumen nucleation and fusion in epithelial organoids. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.20.581158v1

2 Jan 2024. Announcement:

The section of PIs at Institute of Physics of Academia Sinica which I am joining has been renamed to
PALM = Physics of Active and Living Matters
(which was originally PABS) and, accordingly, their Twitter (X) account name is now @palmiopas. Their website address has been unchanged and is still https://sites.google.com/view/pabsiopas.

News Archive

2 Jan 2024. (Publications) Information has been updated:

R. Das*, T. Sakaue, G. V. Shivashankar, J. Prost*, T. Hiraiwa*: Transient-linking activity enhances subnuclear dynamics by affecting chromatin remodeling.  Physical Review LettersAccepted. https://journals.aps.org/prl/accepted/cd07dYaaS7110686b8688fb7d2fe6f30ce1a0e728 (arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.05521)

23 Oct 2023. (Publications) Preprint information has been added: 

S. Wu*#, C. Z. Ho#, F. Sun#, Y. Lou#, B.-X. Huang, J. Xiao, M. Shagirov, I. Yow, J. F. L. Chin, S. Verma, A. S. Yap, Y. Lin*, T. Hiraiwa, B. C. Low*: Co-evolution of spheroid fluidization and mechanical fracture in a morphogenic cascade. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.09.25.559247v1

R. Suzuki, T. Hiraiwa, A. Tursch, S. Höger, K. Hayashi, S. Özbek, T. W. Holstein*, M. Tanaka*:  Tight junctions regulate lumen morphology via hydrostatic pressure and junctional tension. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.09.18.558226v1

S. Tanida, K. Fuji, L. Lu, T. Guyomar, B. H. Lee, A. Honigmann,  A. Grapin-Botton, D. Riveline,  T. Hiraiwa*, M. Nonomura*, M. Sano*: The interplay between lumen pressure and cell proliferation determines organoid morphology in a multicellular phase field model. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.08.17.553655v1

1 April 2023. I moved to Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica


 at Taiwan. 

22 July 2023. (Publications) Preprint information has been added: 

R.Das*, T. Sakaue, G. V. Shivashankar, J. Prost*, T. Hiraiwa* (2024): Transient-linking activity enhances subnuclear dynamics by affecting chromatin remodeling. arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.05521

20 July 2023. (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

S. Okuda*, T. Hiraiwa (2023): Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics. The European Physical Journal E. 46, 56 [Journal]

17 June 2023. (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

<Review article> H. Delanoë-Ayari, T. Hiraiwa, P. Marcq, J.-P. Rieu, T. B. Saw (2023):  2.5D Traction Force Microscopy: Imaging three-dimensional cell forces at interfaces and biological applications. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 161, 106432.  [Journal] [official shared version by the beginning of Aug 2023]

25 April 2023. (Publications) Preprint information has been added: 

S. Okuda*, T. Hiraiwa:  Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics. bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.26.534262v1

12 March 2023 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

Y. Lou*, J.-F. Rupprecht*, S. Theis, T. Hiraiwa*, T. Saunders* (2023): Curvature-induced cell rearrangements in biological tissues, Physical Review Letters. 130, 108401. 


3 March 2023 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

S. Okuda*, T. Hiraiwa (2023):  Long-term adherent cell dynamics emerging from energetic and frictional interactions at the interface. Physical Review E. Accepted


T. Kawaue, I. Yow, A. P. Le, Y. Lou, M. Loberas, M. Shagirov, J. Prost, T. Hiraiwa, B. Ladoux, Y. Toyama* (2023): Mechanics defines the spatial pattern of compensatory proliferation, Developmental Cell. 45, 267


16 February 2023: 

I will move to Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, on 1 April 2023 and start hiring new Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Assitants! If you are or your colleagues can be interested in, please follow the information which will be highlighted in this page!

25 January 2023 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

R.Das*, T. Sakaue, G. V. Shivashankar, J. Prost , T. Hiraiwa* (2022): How enzymatic activity is involved in chromatin organization, eLife. 11:e79901.


12 December 2022 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

#T. Hiraiwa*, #R. Akiyama, D. Inoue, A. Md. R. Kabir, A. Kakugo (2022): Collision-induced torque mediates transition of chiral dynamic patterns formed by active particles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 28782. (#: These authors equally contributed to this work) [Journal] 

- Selected for the journal's back cover image (image was created by Dr. Daisuke Inoue (Kyushu Univ), one of the authors)  


Back cover image PDF 

27 August 2022 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

S. Okuda*, K. Sato, T. Hiraiwa (2022):  Continuum modeling of non-conservative fluid membrane for simulating long-term cell dynamics. The European Physical Journal E. 45, 69


21 July 2022 (Publications) Publication information has been updated: 

Y. Lou*, T. Kawaue , I. Yow , Y. Toyama , J. Prost, T. Hiraiwa* (2022): Interfacial friction and substrate deformation mediate long-range signal propagation in tissues. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 21, 1511.


27 June 2022 (Publications) Publication information has been added: 

<Review article> #K. Fuji, #S. Tanida, M. Sano, M. Nonomura, D. Riveline, H. Honda, #T. Hiraiwa* (2022): Computational approaches for simulating luminogenesis. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, In Press (#: These authors equally contributed to this work.) [Journal]

17 March 2022 (Publications) Publication information has been updated:

T. Hiraiwa* (2022): Dynamic self-organization of migrating cells under constraints by spatial confinement and epithelial integrity. The European Physical Journal E (Topical Collection “Tissue Mechanics”), 45, 16. [Invited]

21 December 2021 (Publications) Preprint information has been added:

R.Das, T. Sakaue, G. V. Shivashankar, J. Prost , T. Hiraiwa* (2021): How enzymatic activity is involved in chromatin organization


11 July 2021 (Publications) Preprint information has been added:

Y. Lou , T. Kawaue , I. Yow , Y. Toyama , J. Prost , T. Hiraiwa* (2021): Tissue can generate propagating long-range forces on weakly adhesive substrate 


T. Kawaue, I. Yow, A. P. Le., Y. Lou, M. Loberas, M. Shagirov, J. Prost, T. Hiraiwa, B. Ladoux, Y. Toyama (2021): Mechanics defines the spatial pattern of compensatory proliferation 


3 June 2021 (Publications) Publication information has been updated:

"21. F. Afroze, D. Inoue, T. Farhana, T. Hiraiwa, R. Akiyama, A. Kabir, K. Sada, Akira Kakugo  (2021):  Monopolar flocking of microtubules in collective motion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 563, 73-78." 

This short paper reports an interesting-mechanism of flocking found in the chiral microtubule gliding assay by Dr. Afroze (Kakugo-lab, Hokkaido Univ.) and Dr. Inoue (Kyushu Univ.) et al. I assisted them by the computer-based motility analysis. 

11 March 2021 (Links) The link to our group (MBI theory group) website 


has been added.

7 Jan 2021 (Publications) Preprint column has been created, and a preprint info has been added:

"#T. Hiraiwa*, #R. Akiyama, D. Inoue, A. Md. R. Kabir, A. Kakugo (2020): Mono-polar clustering of self-propelled particles through left-right asymmetry. (#:These authors equally contributed to this work) (*: Corresponding author)" https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.02130

31 Dec 2020 (Publications: Original article) Publication information has been updated: 

"T. Hiraiwa, (2020): Dynamic self-organization of idealized migrating cells by contact communication: Physical Review Letters 125, 268104." https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.268104

8 Dec 2020 (Publications: Original article) Publication information has been updated: 

"T. Yamamoto, T. Hiraiwa, T. Shibata (2020): Collective cell migration of epithelial cells driven by chiral torque generation: Physical Review Research 2, 043326." https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043326

Nice substantial theories about chirality-driven tissue flow (and more) by Dr. Yamamoto (RIKEN BDR).

15. Oct 2020: I received the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan [Division 12 (Soft Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, Biophysics), Year 2021].


(in English)


(in Japanese)

15. Jun 2020 (Publications: Original article) Publication information has been updated: 

"Sakamoto, R., Tanabe, M., Hiraiwa, T., Suzuki, K., Ishiwata, S., Maeda, Y. T., Miyazaki, M. (2020): Tug-of-war between actomyosin-driven antagonistic forces determines the positioning symmetry in cell-sized confinement: Nature Communications 11, 3063." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16677-9

Amazing experiments by the greatly motivated young students, Mr. Sakamoto and Mr. Tanabe, in Kyushu and Waseda Universities, resp., and the groups in Kyushu and Kyoto Universities. I was in charge of mathematical modeling and analytical calculations.

12 May. 2020 (Publications: Original article) Publication information has been updated: "Hayakawa, M., Hiraiwa, T., Wada, Y., Kuwayama, H., Shibata, T. (2020): Polar pattern formation induced by contact following locomotion in a multicellular system: eLife 9: e53609." https://elifesciences.org/articles/53609

Impressive experiments performed by Dr. Hayakawa (RIKEN CDB). I was in charge of theoretical modelling and performed all the numerical simulations.

eLife digest: https://elifesciences.org/digests/53609/how-amoeba-band-together

23 Mar. 2020 (Publications: Original article) Publication information has been updated: "Tanida, S.*, Furuta, K., Nishikawa, K., Hiraiwa, T.*, Kojima, H., Oiwa, K., Sano, M.* (2020): Gliding filament system giving both global orientational order and clusters in collective motion: Physical Review E 101, 032607." https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.101.032607

A thorough beautiful experiments have been performed by Dr. Tanida (PhD student at Sano-group, U.Tokyo, at the time). I performed all the numerical simulations and proposed quantitative equations to analyze the density pattern and dynamics.

Brief CV :

4/2023 to present; Associate Research Fellow (PI, ~Assoc. Prof. of the universities) , Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

4/2019-3/2023; MBI fellow (Group leader), Mechanobiology institute, National University of Singapore

4/2015-3/2019; Assistant Professor in Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo

10/2013-3/2015; Postdoctoral researcher (Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow) in Department of Physics, Freie Universitaet Berlin 

4/2013-9/2013; Guest Scientist in Max Planck Institute for the physics of Complex Systems

4/2011-3/2013; Postdoctoral Researcher in RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology 

3/2011; Ph. D. of Science

4/2006-3/2011; Graduate student in Nonlinear Dynamics Group, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University : PhD Supervisor. Prof. Takao Ohta