Media and videos

Social media


Mongabay (December 2023): Community forestry is a conservation solution in Nepal: Q&A with Teri Allendorf

The Revelator (February 2021): Origin Stories: Conservation in Nepal and Namibia

The Nepali Times (21 December 2020): Villagers step up to protect Nepal’s tigers

UW CALS Grow (Fall 2020): Conservation takes a village

Mongabay (December 2016): Boosting biodiversity by studying human values, gender by Elizabeth Devitt

Biosphere (Issue 20): The Gender Dimension

Science News (8 September 2016): Research looks at importance of women's attitudes toward tigers in Nepal


May 24 2016 

The Global Hot Spots Lecture Series at UW-Madison: Biodiversity Conservation in Developing Countries: the View from Local Communities

March 15 2018

TODAY MYANMAR - Biodiversity Conservation in Ayeyarwaddy River Valley


April 10 2014

Gender and Protected areas in Nepal and Myanmar: what are we missing? Center for South Asia

September 17 2015

Nepal Earthquake Panel, Center for South Asia