Re-take activities

Re-take Exam's students 3ºC: Aldana, David, Ainhoa, Dimichi, Francisco

Exam will be between the days 17-21 of January

Drawing sheets' students 3ºC: Iuliana, Aldana, Rebeca, David, Ainhoa, Dimichi

Drawing sheets will be 3, in DIN-A4 pages with frames and data boxes

Name: Retake Sheet 1 -> Copy the four drawings and dimension them (Exercises 9 & 10, page 51)

Name: Rectake Sheet 2 -> Multiview drawing using pieces 7 and 9 (page 53)

Name: Retake Sheet 3 -> Oblique perspective drawing using pieces 1 and 2 (page 56)

You will get better grades if you draw these sheets using QCAD

Sheets will be collected by the teacher when classes start