Photo Gallery
Slide Show!
Advent and Christmas 2021
Blessing of the Animals 2021
Folk Music, etc...
Mother Michelle's Ordination and First Eucharist
Easter and Pentecost 2021
Christmas 2019
Youth "Take Over" Sunday: Advent 1, AD 2019.
Our youth group is an amazing group of teenagers, and on the first Sunday of Advent, 2019, they took over the roles normally filled by adult laypeople and did them very well.
Pastor Bill Rauch, one of our supply clergy, greets a Trinity parishioner.
Pr. Bill was the pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Newark for many years. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church USA have been in full communion and able to share clergy since AD 2000.
All Souls Day 2019
Mother Kitty (2nd from left)with acolyte and crucifer Troy Mellik (center), and visiting ministers, Fr. Rob Morris (far left), Deacon Susan Riis and Deacon Robert Howell.
A short clip of the flame effect for Pentecost 2019.
Andrea Eppley serves at the altar with her son Zane. Her other son, Nate (not pictured) also served today.
Mother Kitty is preaching a "fiery" sermon, Dave Shull is in the background.
Easter, 2019
Simpson Hall set up for the Eucharist on Christmas Eve 2018
The Sights and Sounds of Christmas with the Newark High School Band in our new worship space, Simpson Hall. We are pleased that we can once again welcome our Sights and Sounds visitors into a holy place.
Our Advent Mitten Tree, decorated with gloves, hats, and other items, which will be donated to poor students at Ben Franklin Elementary.
Check out these photos from the 2018 Advent & Christmas Cookie Walk
The Customers
The Volunteers!
Fr. Joe and Pr. Steve pray together for our city at an ecumenical service on 9/11/18.
Our minister, Father Joe Kovitch (rt), meets with Pastor Steve Wynn of Trinity AME.
Bishop Price's Episcopal Visit, 2017
Final Friday August 2017 - "Once Upon A Time"
Mother's Day and Pentecost 2017
Easter 2017
Our final Fridays on the Square crew gives away free water and tells people about Jesus and what He's up to at Trinity Episcopal Church.