Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Newark!
76 E. Main St. Newark, Ohio  

(1 block east of Courthouse) 


A welcoming Family of Faith who shares God's love with all.

The Rev. Lee Anne Reat, Priest

Our vision is to be a growing community in Christ that gives hope to all by listening, praying, and acting.

Worship Information

      We value being a worshiping family centered in prayer and led by Jesus.

We value being a resilient, multi-generational community of faith.

We value being a vital community that is growing, invitational, and creative 

We value being an all-inclusive community that shares God’s love with a serving heart.

Living into these values, we help local students at Ben Franklin Elementary with mentors and essential needs.   We provide hygiene kits to Salvation Army. Supporting the Market Street Food Pantry and help serve community meals at Second Presbyterian Church.

 We do all this to show God's love to the world.  

Click the menu buttons for online-worship, parish news, and other information. 

If you are a member of or regular visitor to Trinity, click here to be added to our email list. 

Trinity Episcopal Collect 

Sunday Worship 

10:30am Holy Eucharist
(In-person and on  YouTube)

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/W3hVmrrTwxk 

We can be found at 76 E. Main St. Newark, Ohio

Bible Study

Thursdays 12:15 PM
(will resume after summer break)

Our Building