09 Week Whatever

Post date: Aug 21, 2014 4:41:59 PM

Well, we've been very hard at work for a long while on our three projects. In fact, this past two weeks we presented to our happy clients!

Our first presentation was to the executive team of the Girls Club of Greenfield, who were very happy with our conversion of their flat HTML site at left (http://girlsclubofgreenfield.org) to a Wordpress site (below right, http://girlsclubofgreenfield.org/wordpress, but will migrate soon.).

Project manager Carolyn Caron says: "It was very empowering to present to our clients. It validated all the hard work we've been doing. It showed that we were not only working for ourselves, but actually doing something for someone else who will use it and like it." (Carolyn made it here on her bike, through a driving rain, and is now wearing a tablecloth as a sari while her clothes dry. Yay, Carolyn!).

Our second presentation was to the executive team of Franklin Hampshire Youth. The current site is http://fhyouth.org (left) and our development site is http://fh.gamefacewebdesign.com, though we'll have it migrated in a week. Project manager Tara Williams was not available for comment today (more rain-averse) but logo & graphic designer Josh Gould (who got a lift in) had this to say: "It was fun because although I make logos for myself, doing it for someone else and tailoring it for their needs was a lot different. It opened my eyes to what doing professional design would be like. I saw that I could transition my hobby into serious work other people would value, by meeting their needs rather than following my own tastes."


The next blog post you'll read is about Greenfield Digital, the start-up which is arising from this summer of success, and our plans for continuing the program in September with a new crop of eager young entrepreneurs.

At right is the redesign of FH Youth's site. Josh is hard at work rebuilding the Recover Project's Wordpress Site, which had been sabotaged by hackers. Rather than get quotes from Matthew Spring (who is creating a launch plan for FHYouth), I will let his second blog post (attached below, for the Recovery Learning Community newsletter) speak for itself.